
Exp-lookit-images-audio Class

These docs have moved here.

Frame to display image(s) and play audio, with optional video recording. Options allow customization for looking time, storybook, forced choice, and reaction time type trials, including training versions where children (or parents) get feedback about their responses.

This can be used in a variety of ways - for example:

  • Display an image for a set amount of time and measure looking time

  • Display two images for a set amount of time and play audio for a looking-while-listening paradigm

  • Show a "storybook page" where you show images and play audio, having the parent/child press 'Next' to proceed. If desired, images can appear and be highlighted at specific times relative to audio. E.g., the audio might say "This [image of Remy appears] is a boy named Remy. Remy has a little sister [image of Zenna appears] named Zenna. [Remy highlighted] Remy's favorite food is brussel sprouts, but [Zenna highlighted] Zenna's favorite food is ice cream. [Remy and Zenna both highlighted] Remy and Zenna both love tacos!"

  • Play audio asking the child to choose between two images by pointing or answering verbally. Show text for the parent about how to help and when to press Next.

  • Play audio asking the child to choose between two images, and require one of those images to be clicked to proceed (see "choiceRequired" option).

  • Measure reaction time as the child is asked to choose a particular option on each trial (e.g., a central cue image is shown first, then two options at a short delay; the child clicks on the one that matches the cue in some way)

  • Provide audio and/or text feedback on the child's (or parent's) choice before proceeding, either just to make the study a bit more interactive ("Great job, you chose the color BLUE!") or for initial training/familiarization to make sure they understand the task. Some images can be marked as the "correct" answer and a correct answer required to proceed. If you'd like to include some initial training questions before your test questions, this is a great way to do it.

In general, the images are displayed in a designated region of the screen with aspect ratio 7:4 (1.75 times as wide as it is tall) to standardize display as much as possible across different monitors. If you want to display things truly fullscreen, you can use autoProceed and not provide parentText so there's nothing at the bottom, and then set maximizeDisplay to true.

Webcam recording may be turned on or off; if on, stimuli are not displayed and audio is not started until recording begins. (Using the frame-specific isRecording property is good if you have a smallish number of test trials and prefer to have separate video clips for each. For reaction time trials or many short trials, you will likely want to use session recording instead - i.e. start the session recording before the first trial and end on the last trial - to avoid the short delays related to starting/stopping the video.)

This frame is displayed fullscreen, but is not paused or otherwise disabled if the user leaves fullscreen. A button appears prompting the user to return to fullscreen mode.

Any number of images may be placed on the screen, and their position specified. (Aspect ratio will be the same as the original image.)

The examples below show a variety of usages, corresponding to those shown in the video.

image-1: Single image displayed full-screen, maximizing area on monitor, for 8 seconds.

image-2: Single image displayed at specified position, with 'next' button to move on

image-3: Image plus audio, auto-proceeding after audio completes and 4 seconds go by

image-4: Image plus audio, with 'next' button to move on

image-5: Two images plus audio question asking child to point to one of the images, demonstrating different timing of image display & highlighting of images during audio

image-6: Three images with audio prompt, family has to click one of two to continue

image-7: Three images with audio prompt, family has to click correct one to continue - audio feedback on incorrect answer

image-8: Three images with audio prompt, family has to click correct one to continue - text feedback on incorrect answer

"frames": {
   "image-1": {
       "kind": "exp-lookit-images-audio",
       "images": [
               "id": "cats",
               "src": "two_cats.png",
               "position": "fill"
       "baseDir": "",
       "autoProceed": true,
       "doRecording": true,
       "durationSeconds": 8,
       "maximizeDisplay": true
   "image-2": {
       "kind": "exp-lookit-images-audio",
       "images": [
               "id": "cats",
               "src": "three_cats.JPG",
               "top": 10,
               "left": 30,
               "width": 40
       "baseDir": "",
       "autoProceed": false,
       "doRecording": true,
       "parentTextBlock": {
           "text": "Some explanatory text for parents",
           "title": "For parents"
   "image-3": {
       "kind": "exp-lookit-images-audio",
       "audio": "wheresremy",
       "images": [
               "id": "remy",
               "src": "wheres_remy.jpg",
               "position": "fill"
       "baseDir": "",
       "audioTypes": [
       "autoProceed": true,
       "doRecording": false,
       "durationSeconds": 4,
       "parentTextBlock": {
           "text": "Some explanatory text for parents",
           "title": "For parents"
       "showProgressBar": true
   "image-4": {
       "kind": "exp-lookit-images-audio",
       "audio": "peekaboo",
       "images": [
               "id": "remy",
               "src": "peekaboo_remy.jpg",
               "position": "fill"
       "baseDir": "",
       "audioTypes": [
       "autoProceed": false,
       "doRecording": false,
       "parentTextBlock": {
           "text": "Some explanatory text for parents",
           "title": "For parents"
   "image-5": {
       "kind": "exp-lookit-images-audio",
       "audio": "remyzennaintro",
       "images": [
               "id": "remy",
               "src": "scared_remy.jpg",
               "position": "left"
               "id": "zenna",
               "src": "love_zenna.jpg",
               "position": "right",
               "displayDelayMs": 1500
       "baseDir": "",
       "highlights": [
               "range": [
               "imageId": "remy"
               "range": [
               "imageId": "zenna"
       "autoProceed": false,
       "doRecording": true,
       "parentTextBlock": {
           "text": "Some explanatory text for parents",
           "title": "For parents"
   "image-6": {
       "kind": "exp-lookit-images-audio",
       "audio": "matchremy",
       "images": [
               "id": "cue",
               "src": "happy_remy.jpg",
               "position": "center",
               "nonChoiceOption": true
               "id": "option1",
               "src": "happy_zenna.jpg",
               "position": "left",
               "displayDelayMs": 2000
               "id": "option2",
               "src": "annoyed_zenna.jpg",
               "position": "right",
               "displayDelayMs": 2000
       "baseDir": "",
       "autoProceed": false,
       "doRecording": true,
       "choiceRequired": true,
       "parentTextBlock": {
           "text": "Some explanatory text for parents",
           "title": "For parents"
       "canMakeChoiceBeforeAudioFinished": true
   "image-7": {
       "kind": "exp-lookit-images-audio",
       "audio": "matchzenna",
       "images": [
               "id": "cue",
               "src": "sad_zenna.jpg",
               "position": "center",
               "nonChoiceOption": true
               "id": "option1",
               "src": "surprised_remy.jpg",
               "position": "left",
               "feedbackAudio": "negativefeedback",
               "displayDelayMs": 3500
               "id": "option2",
               "src": "sad_remy.jpg",
               "correct": true,
               "position": "right",
               "displayDelayMs": 3500
       "baseDir": "",
       "autoProceed": false,
       "doRecording": true,
       "choiceRequired": true,
       "parentTextBlock": {
           "text": "Some explanatory text for parents",
           "title": "For parents"
       "correctChoiceRequired": true,
       "canMakeChoiceBeforeAudioFinished": false
   "image-8": {
       "kind": "exp-lookit-images-audio",
       "audio": "matchzenna",
       "images": [
               "id": "cue",
               "src": "sad_zenna.jpg",
               "position": "center",
               "nonChoiceOption": true
               "id": "option1",
               "src": "surprised_remy.jpg",
               "position": "left",
               "feedbackText": "Try again! Remy looks surprised in that picture. Can you find the picture where he looks sad, like Zenna?",
               "displayDelayMs": 3500
               "id": "option2",
               "src": "sad_remy.jpg",
               "correct": true,
               "position": "right",
               "feedbackText": "Great job! Remy is sad in that picture, just like Zenna is sad.",
               "displayDelayMs": 3500
       "baseDir": "",
       "autoProceed": false,
       "doRecording": true,
       "choiceRequired": true,
       "parentTextBlock": {
           "text": "Some explanatory text for parents",
           "title": "For parents"
       "correctChoiceRequired": true,
       "canMakeChoiceBeforeAudioFinished": false

Item Index



Destroy recorder and stop accessing webcam


Destroy recorder and stop accessing webcam



Inherited from Full-screen but overwritten in app/mixins/full-screen.js:139

Exit fullscreen mode


Hide the recorder from display. Useful if you would like to keep recording without extra UI elements to distract the user.


  • eventName
  • [extra]

Create the time event payload for a particular frame / event. This can be overridden to add fields to every event sent by a particular frame


  • eventName String
  • [extra] Object optional

    An object with additional properties to be sent to the server



Event type, time, and any additional metadata provided


Function called when frame recording is started automatically. Override to do frame-specific actions at this point (e.g., beginning a test trial).


Function called when session recording is started automatically. Override to do frame-specific actions at this point (e.g., beginning a test trial).


  • eventTimings

Each frame that extends ExpFrameBase will send at least an array eventTimings, a frame type, and any generateProperties back to the server upon completion. Individual frames may define additional properties that are sent.




  • element

Inherited from Session-record but overwritten in app/mixins/video-record.js:294

Set up a video recorder instance


  • element Node
    A DOM node representing where to mount the recorder


Promise: A promise representing the result of installing the recorder



Inherited from Full-screen but overwritten in app/mixins/full-screen.js:112

Make a specified element fullscreen


Show the recorder to the user. Useful if you want to temporarily show a hidden recorder- eg to let the user fix a problem with video capture settings


Start recording


Promise Resolves when recording has started


Start recording


Promise Resolves when recording has started


Stop the recording


Promise A promise that resolves when upload is complete


Stop recording


Promise Resolves when recording has been uploaded or timed out


Observer that starts recording once recorder is ready.


Observer that starts recording once session recorder is ready.



String private

Inherited from Expand-assets (click for formatted description): app/mixins/expand-assets.js:98

Object describing which properties may need expansion



Specific to this element. Defined in app/components/exp-lookit-images-audio/component.js:484

Audio file to play at the start of this frame. This can either be an array of {src: 'url', type: 'MIMEtype'} objects, e.g. listing equivalent .mp3 and .ogg files, or can be a single string filename which will be expanded based on baseDir and audioTypes values (see audioTypes).

Default: []



Inherited from Video-record (click for formatted description): app/mixins/video-record.js:158

Whether to do audio-only (vs also video) recording. Can be overridden by consuming frame.

Default: 0



Inherited from Expand-assets (click for formatted description): app/mixins/expand-assets.js:126

List of audio types to expect for any audio specified just with a string rather than with a list of src/type objects. If audioTypes is ['typeA', 'typeB'] and an audio source is given as intro, the audio source will be expanded out to [ { src: 'baseDir' + 'typeA/intro.typeA', type: 'audio/typeA' }, { src: 'baseDir' + 'typeB/intro.typeB', type: 'audio/typeB' } ]

Default: ['mp3', 'ogg']



Specific to this element. Defined in app/components/exp-lookit-images-audio/component.js:394

Whether to proceed automatically when all conditions are met, vs. enabling next button at that point. If true: the next, previous, and replay buttons are hidden, and the frame auto-advances after ALL of the following happen (a) the audio segment (if any) completes (b) the durationSeconds (if any) is achieved (c) a choice is made (if required) (d) that choice is correct (if required) (e) the choice audio (if any) completes (f) the choice text (if any) is dismissed If false: the next, previous, and replay buttons (as applicable) are displayed. It becomes possible to press 'next' only once the conditions above are met.

Default: false


Number private

Inherited from Video-record (click for formatted description): app/mixins/video-record.js:149

Whether to autosave recordings. Can be overridden by consuming frame. TODO: eventually use this to set up non-recording option for previewing

Default: 1



Specific to this element. Defined in app/components/exp-lookit-images-audio/component.js:617

Color of background. See for acceptable syntax: can use color names ('blue', 'red', 'green', etc.), or rgb hex values (e.g. '#800080' - include the '#')

Default: 'black'



Inherited from Expand-assets (click for formatted description): app/mixins/expand-assets.js:106

Base directory for where to find stimuli. Any image src values that are not full paths will be expanded by prefixing with baseDir + img/. Any audio/video src values provided as strings rather than objects with src and type will be expanded out to baseDir/avtype/[stub].avtype, where the potential avtypes are given by audioTypes and videoTypes. baseDir should include a trailing slash (e.g.,; if a value is provided that does not end in a slash, one will be added.

Default: ''



Specific to this element. Defined in app/components/exp-lookit-images-audio/component.js:669

Whether the participant can make a choice before audio finishes. (Only relevant if choiceRequired is true.)

Default: false



Specific to this element. Defined in app/components/exp-lookit-images-audio/component.js:645

Whether this is a frame where the user needs to click to select one of the images before proceeding.

Default: false



Specific to this element. Defined in app/components/exp-lookit-images-audio/component.js:657

[Only used if choiceRequired is true] Whether the participant has to select one of the correct images before proceeding.

Default: false


Boolean private

Inherited from Full-screen but overwritten in app/mixins/full-screen.js:27

Whether to display this frame fullscreen

Default: false



Inherited from Full-screen but overwritten in app/mixins/full-screen.js:165

Set to true to display this frame in fullscreen mode, even if the frame type is not always displayed fullscreen. (For instance, you might use this to keep a survey between test trials in fullscreen mode.)

Default: false



Specific to this element. Defined in app/components/exp-lookit-images-audio/component.js:383

Whether to do webcam recording (will wait for webcam connection before starting audio or showing images if so)



Inherited from Video-record (click for formatted description): app/mixins/video-record.js:165

Whether to use the camera in this frame. Consuming frame should set this property to override if needed.

Default: true



Specific to this element. Defined in app/components/exp-lookit-images-audio/component.js:416

Minimum duration of frame in seconds. If set, then it will only be possible to proceed to the next frame after both the audio completes AND this duration is acheived.

Default: 0



Inherited from Session-record (click for formatted description): app/mixins/session-record.js:98

Whether to end any session (multi-frame) recording at the end of this frame.

Default: false


String private

Inherited from Full-screen but overwritten in app/mixins/full-screen.js:35

The element ID of a button to show if the user leaves fullscreen mode


String private

Inherited from Full-screen but overwritten in app/mixins/full-screen.js:20

The element ID of the thing to make full screen (video element, div, etc)



Inherited from Exp-frame-base (click for formatted description): app/components/exp-frame-base/component.js:78

Function to generate additional properties for this frame (like {"kind": "exp-lookit-text"}) at the time the frame is initialized. Allows behavior of study to depend on what has happened so far (e.g., answers on a form or to previous test trials). Must be a valid Javascript function, returning an object, provided as a string.

Arguments that will be provided are: expData, sequence, child, pastSessions, conditions.

expData, sequence, and conditions are the same data as would be found in the session data shown on the Lookit experimenter interface under 'Individual Responses', except that they will only contain information up to this point in the study.

expData is an object consisting of frameId: frameData pairs; the data associated with a particular frame depends on the frame kind.

sequence is an ordered list of frameIds, corresponding to the keys in expData.

conditions is an object representing the data stored by any randomizer frames; keys are frameIds for randomizer frames and data stored depends on the randomizer used.

child is an object that has the following properties - use child.get(propertyName) to access:

  • additionalInformation: String; additional information field from child form
  • ageAtBirth: String; child's gestational age at birth in weeks. Possible values are "24" through "39", "na" (not sure or prefer not to answer), "<24" (under 24 weeks), and "40>" (40 or more weeks).
  • birthday: Date object
  • gender: "f" (female), "m" (male), "o" (other), or "na" (prefer not to answer)
  • givenName: String, child's given name/nickname
  • id: String, child UUID
  • languageList: String, space-separated list of languages child is exposed to (2-letter codes)
  • conditionList: String, space-separated list of conditions/characteristics
  • of child from registration form, as used in criteria expression, e.g. "autism_spectrum_disorder deaf multiple_birth"

pastSessions is a list of previous response objects for this child and this study, ordered starting from most recent (at index 0 is this session!). Each has properties (access as pastSessions[i].get(propertyName)):

  • completed: Boolean, whether they submitted an exit survey
  • completedConsentFrame: Boolean, whether they got through at least a consent frame
  • conditions: Object representing any conditions assigned by randomizer frames
  • createdOn: Date object
  • expData: Object consisting of frameId: frameData pairs
  • globalEventTimings: list of any events stored outside of individual frames - currently just used for attempts to leave the study early
  • sequence: ordered list of frameIds, corresponding to keys in expData
  • isPreview: Boolean, whether this is from a preview session (possible in the event this is an experimenter's account)


function(expData, sequence, child, pastSessions, conditions) {
    return {
                    'text': 'Name: ' + child.get('givenName')
                    'text': 'Frame number: ' + sequence.length
                    'text': 'N past sessions: ' + pastSessions.length

(This example is split across lines for readability; when added to JSON it would need to be on one line.)

Default: null



Specific to this element. Defined in app/components/exp-lookit-images-audio/component.js:681

Array representing times when particular images should be highlighted. Each element of the array should be of the form {'range': [3.64, 7.83], 'imageId': 'myImageId'}. The two range values are the start and end times of the highlight in seconds, relative to the audio played. The imageId corresponds to the id of an element of images.

Highlights can overlap in time. Any that go longer than the audio will just be ignored/cut off.

One strategy for generating a bunch of highlights for a longer story is to annotate using Audacity and export the labels to get the range values.


  • range Array

    [startTimeInSeconds, endTimeInSeconds], e.g. [3.64, 7.83]

  • imageId String

    ID of the image to highlight, corresponding to the id field of the element of images to highlight



Specific to this element. Defined in app/components/exp-lookit-images-audio/component.js:525

Array of images to display and information about their placement. For each image, you need to specify src (image name/URL) and placement (either by providing left/width/top values, or by using a position preset).

Everything else is optional! This is where you would say that an image should be shown at a delay


  • id String

    unique ID for this image

  • src String

    URL of image source. This can be a full URL, or relative to baseDir (see baseDir).

  • alt String

    alt-text for image in case it doesn't load and for screen readers

  • left Number

    left margin, as percentage of story area width. If not provided, the image is centered horizontally.

  • width Number

    image width, as percentage of story area width. Note: in general only provide one of width and height; the other will be adjusted to preserve the image aspect ratio.

  • top Number

    top margin, as percentage of story area height. If not provided, the image is centered vertically.

  • height Number

    image height, as percentage of story area height. Note: in general only provide one of width and height; the other will be adjusted to preserve the image aspect ratio.

  • position String

    one of 'left', 'center', 'right', 'fill' to use presets that place the image in approximately the left, center, or right third of the screen or to fill the screen as much as possible. This overrides left/width/top values if given.

  • nonChoiceOption Boolean

    [Only used if choiceRequired is true] whether this should be treated as a non-clickable option (e.g., this is a picture of a girl, and the child needs to choose whether the girl has a DOG or a CAT)

  • displayDelayMs Number

    Delay at which to show the image after trial start (timing will be relative to any audio or to start of trial if no audio). Optional; default is to show images immediately.

  • feedbackAudio Object[]

    [Only used if choiceRequired is true] Audio to play upon clicking this image. This can either be an array of {src: 'url', type: 'MIMEtype'} objects, e.g. listing equivalent .mp3 and .ogg files, or can be a single string filename which will be expanded based on baseDir and audioTypes values (see audioTypes).

  • feedbackText String

    [Only used if choiceRequired is true] Text to display in a dialogue window upon clicking the image.



Specific to this element. Defined in app/components/exp-lookit-images-audio/component.js:470

Whether to have the image display area take up the whole screen if possible. This will only apply if (a) there is no parent text and (b) there are no control buttons (next, previous, replay) because the frame auto-proceeds.

Default: false



Inherited from Video-record (click for formatted description): app/mixins/video-record.js:133

Maximum recording length in seconds. Can be overridden by consuming frame.

Default: 7200



Inherited from Video-record (click for formatted description): app/mixins/video-record.js:140

Maximum time allowed for video upload before proceeding, in seconds. Can be overridden by researcher, based on tradeoff between making families wait and losing data.

Default: 5



Specific to this element. Defined in app/components/exp-lookit-images-audio/component.js:630

Color of area where images are shown, if different from overall background. Defaults to backgroundColor if one is provided. See for acceptable syntax: can use color names ('blue', 'red', 'green', etc.), or rgb hex values (e.g. '#800080' - include the '#')

Default: 'white'



Inherited from Exp-frame-base (click for formatted description): app/components/exp-frame-base/component.js:232

An object containing values for any parameters (variables) to use in this frame. Any property VALUES in this frame that match any of the property NAMES in parameters will be replaced by the corresponding parameter value. For example, suppose your frame is:

   'kind': 'FRAME_KIND',
   'parameters': {
       'FRAME_KIND': 'exp-lookit-text'

Then the frame kind will be exp-lookit-text. This may be useful if you need to repeat values for different frame properties, especially if your frame is actually a randomizer or group. You may use parameters nested within objects (at any depth) or within lists.

You can also use selectors to randomly sample from or permute a list defined in parameters. Suppose STIMLIST is defined in parameters, e.g. a list of potential stimuli. Rather than just using STIMLIST as a value in your frames, you can also:

  • Select the Nth element (0-indexed) of the value of STIMLIST: (Will cause error if N >= THELIST.length)
   'parameterName': 'STIMLIST#N'
  • Select (uniformly) a random element of the value of STIMLIST:
   'parameterName': 'STIMLIST#RAND'
  • Set parameterName to a random permutation of the value of STIMLIST:
   'parameterName': 'STIMLIST#PERM'
  • Select the next element in a random permutation of the value of STIMLIST, which is used across all substitutions in this randomizer. This allows you, for instance, to provide a list of possible images in your parameterSet, and use a different one each frame with the subset/order randomized per participant. If more STIMLIST#UNIQ parameters than elements of STIMLIST are used, we loop back around to the start of the permutation generated for this randomizer.
   'parameterName': 'STIMLIST#UNIQ'

Default: {}



Specific to this element. Defined in app/components/exp-lookit-images-audio/component.js:499

Text block to display to parent. (Each field is optional)


  • title String

    title to display

  • text String

    paragraph of text

  • css Object

    object specifying any css properties to apply to this section, and their values - e.g. {'color': 'gray', 'font-size': 'large'}


VideoRecorder private

Inherited from Video-record (click for formatted description): app/mixins/video-record.js:92

The recorder object, accessible to the consuming frame. Includes properties recorder.nWebcams, recorder.hasCamAccess, recorder.micChecked, recorder.connected.


String private

Inherited from Video-record (click for formatted description): app/mixins/video-record.js:117

JQuery string to identify the recorder element.

Default: '#recorder'


Boolean private

Inherited from Video-record (click for formatted description): app/mixins/video-record.js:125

Whether recorder has been set up yet. Automatically set when doing setup. Accessible to consuming frame.



Inherited from Exp-frame-base (click for formatted description): app/components/exp-frame-base/component.js:169

Function to select which frame index to go to when using the 'next' action on this frame. Allows flexible looping / short-circuiting based on what has happened so far in the study (e.g., once the child answers N questions correctly, move on to next segment). Must be a valid Javascript function, returning a number from 0 through frames.length - 1, provided as a string.

Arguments that will be provided are: frames, frameIndex, expData, sequence, child, pastSessions

frames is an ordered list of frame configurations for this study; each element is an object corresponding directly to a frame you defined in the JSON document for this study (but with any randomizer frames resolved into the particular frames that will be used this time).

frameIndex is the index in frames of the current frame

expData is an object consisting of frameId: frameData pairs; the data associated with a particular frame depends on the frame kind.

sequence is an ordered list of frameIds, corresponding to the keys in expData.

child is an object that has the following properties - use child.get(propertyName) to access:

  • additionalInformation: String; additional information field from child form
  • ageAtBirth: String; child's gestational age at birth in weeks. Possible values are "24" through "39", "na" (not sure or prefer not to answer), "<24" (under 24 weeks), and "40>" (40 or more weeks).
  • birthday: timestamp in format "Mon Apr 10 2017 20:00:00 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)"
  • gender: "f" (female), "m" (male), "o" (other), or "na" (prefer not to answer)
  • givenName: String, child's given name/nickname
  • id: String, child UUID

pastSessions is a list of previous response objects for this child and this study, ordered starting from most recent (at index 0 is this session!). Each has properties (access as pastSessions[i].get(propertyName)):

  • completed: Boolean, whether they submitted an exit survey
  • completedConsentFrame: Boolean, whether they got through at least a consent frame
  • conditions: Object representing any conditions assigned by randomizer frames
  • createdOn: timestamp in format "Thu Apr 18 2019 12:33:26 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)"
  • expData: Object consisting of frameId: frameData pairs
  • globalEventTimings: list of any events stored outside of individual frames - currently just used for attempts to leave the study early
  • sequence: ordered list of frameIds, corresponding to keys in expData

Example that just sends us to the last frame of the study no matter what: `"function(frames, frameIndex, frameData, expData, sequence, child, pastSessions) {return frames.length - 1;}"``

Default: null



Inherited from Session-record (click for formatted description): app/mixins/session-record.js:108

Whether to do audio-only (vs also video) recording for session (multiframe) recording. Only used if starting session recording this frame.

Default: 0



Inherited from Session-record (click for formatted description): app/mixins/session-record.js:89

Maximum time allowed for whole-session video upload before proceeding, in seconds. Can be overridden by researcher, based on tradeoff between making families wait and losing data.

Default: 10



Specific to this element. Defined in app/components/exp-lookit-images-audio/component.js:444

[Only used if not autoProceed] Whether to show a previous button to allow the participant to go to the previous frame

Default: true



Specific to this element. Defined in app/components/exp-lookit-images-audio/component.js:431

[Only used if durationSeconds set] Whether to show a progress bar based on durationSeconds in the parent text area.

Default: false



Specific to this element. Defined in app/components/exp-lookit-images-audio/component.js:457

[Only used if not autoProceed AND if there is audio] Whether to show a replay button to allow the participant to replay the audio

Default: false



Inherited from Video-record (click for formatted description): app/mixins/video-record.js:191

Whether to initially show a message saying to wait until recording starts, covering the entire frame. This prevents participants from seeing any stimuli before recording begins. Only used if recording is being started immediately.

Default: true



Inherited from Video-record (click for formatted description): app/mixins/video-record.js:218

Whether to stop media and hide stimuli with a message saying to wait for video upload when stopping recording. Do NOT set this to true if end of recording does not correspond to end of the frame (e.g. during consent or observation frames) since it will hide everything upon stopping the recording!

Default: true



Inherited from Video-record (click for formatted description): app/mixins/video-record.js:173

Whether to start recording ASAP (only applies if doUseCamera). Consuming frame should set to override if needed.

Default: false



Inherited from Session-record (click for formatted description): app/mixins/session-record.js:82

Whether to start a session (multi-frame) recording as soon as possible upon loading this frame. This allows you to conduct video recording across multiple frames, simply specifying which frame to start and end on. Individual frames may also provide frame-specific recording capabilities; it is best NOT to conduct both a multiframe 'session' recording and frame-specific recording simultaneously as multiple video streams will eat up bandwidth. If you decide to use session recording, turn off recording for any frames that would otherwise record. There can be multiple session recordings in an experiment, e.g. from frames 1-3 and 5-10.

Default: false


Boolean private

Inherited from Video-record (click for formatted description): app/mixins/video-record.js:108

Whether recording is stopped already, meaning it doesn't need to be re-stopped when destroying frame. This should be set to true by the consuming frame when video is stopped.


String private

Inherited from Video-record (click for formatted description): app/mixins/video-record.js:181

A video ID to use for the current recording. Format is videoStream_<experimentId>_<frameId>_<sessionId>_timestampMS_RRR where RRR are random numeric digits.


List private

Inherited from Video-record (click for formatted description): app/mixins/video-record.js:100

A list of all video IDs used in this mixin (a new one is created for each recording). Accessible to consuming frame.



Inherited from Expand-assets (click for formatted description): app/mixins/expand-assets.js:154

List of video types to expect for any audio specified just with a string rather than with a list of src/type objects. If videoTypes is ['typeA', 'typeB'] and a video source is given as intro, the video source will be expanded out to [ { src: 'baseDir' + 'typeA/intro.typeA', type: 'video/typeA' }, { src: 'baseDir' + 'typeB/intro.typeB', type: 'video/typeB' } ]

Default: ['mp4', 'webm']



Inherited from Video-record (click for formatted description): app/mixins/video-record.js:200

[Only used if showWaitForRecordingMessage is true] Text to display while waiting for recording to begin.

Default: 'Please wait... <br><br> starting webcam recording'



Inherited from Video-record (click for formatted description): app/mixins/video-record.js:207

[Only used if showWaitForRecordingMessage is true] Background color of screen while waiting for recording to begin. See for acceptable syntax: can use either color names ('blue', 'red', 'green', etc.), or rgb hex values (e.g. '#800080' - include the '#'). The text on top of this will be either black or white depending on which will have higher contrast.

Default: 'white'



Inherited from Video-record (click for formatted description): app/mixins/video-record.js:227

[Only used if showWaitForUploadMessage is true] Text to display while waiting for recording to begin.

Default: 'Please wait... <br><br> uploading video'



Inherited from Video-record (click for formatted description): app/mixins/video-record.js:234

[Only used if showWaitForUploadMessage is true] Background color of screen while waiting for recording to upload. See for acceptable syntax: can use either color names ('blue', 'red', 'green', etc.), or rgb hex values (e.g. '#800080' - include the '#'). The text on top of this will be either black or white depending on which will have higher contrast.

Default: 'white'



Inherited from Video-record (click for formatted description): app/mixins/video-record.js:245

[Only used if showWaitForUploadMessage and/or showWaitForRecordingMessage are true] Image to display along with any wait-for-recording or wait-for-upload message. Either waitForWebcamImage or waitForWebcamVideo can be specified. This can be either a full URL ('https://...') or just a filename, which will be assumed to be inside `baseDir/img/ if this frame otherwise supports use of baseDir`.

Default: ''



Inherited from Video-record (click for formatted description): app/mixins/video-record.js:255

[Only used if showWaitForUploadMessage and/or showWaitForRecordingMessage are true] Video to display along with any wait-for-recording or wait-for-upload message (looping). Either waitForWebcamImage or waitForWebcamVideo can be specified. This can be either an array of `{'src': 'https://...', 'type': '...'}` objects (e.g. providing both webm and mp4 versions at specified URLS) or a single string relative to `baseDir/<EXT>/` if this frame otherwise supports use of `baseDir`.

Default: ''

Data keys collected

These are the fields that will be captured by this frame and sent back to the Lookit server. Each of these fields will correspond to one row of the CSV frame data for a given response - the row will have key set to the data key name, and value set to the value for this response. Equivalently, this data will be available in the exp_data field of the response JSON data.



Source URL of audio played, if any. If multiple sources provided (e.g. mp4 and ogg versions) just the first is stored.



Whether image selected at time of proceeding is marked as correct


Ordered list of events captured during this frame (oldest to newest). Each event is represented as an object with at least the properties {'eventType': EVENTNAME, 'timestamp': TIMESTAMP}. See Events tab for details of events that might be captured.


Duration between frame being inserted and call to next


Type of frame: EXIT (exit survey), CONSENT (consent or assent frame), or DEFAULT (anything else)


Any properties generated via a custom generateProperties function provided to this frame (e.g., a score you computed to decide on feedback). In general will be null.



Array of images used in this frame [same as passed to this frame, but may reflect random assignment for this particular participant]



ID of image selected at time of proceeding



When one of the image options is clicked during a choice frame

Event Payload:

  • imageId String

    ID of the image selected

  • correct Boolean

    whether this image is marked as correct


When the participant dismisses a feedback dialogue

Event Payload:


When images are displayed to participant (for images without any delay added)


When a specific image is shown at a delay.

Event Payload:


Timer for set-duration trial ends


Inherited from Full-screen but overwritten in app/mixins/full-screen.js:84

Upon detecting change to fullscreen mode


When main audio cannot be started. In this case we treat it as if the audio was completed (for purposes of allowing participant to proceed)


When image/feedback audio cannot be started. In this case we treat it as if the audio was completed (for purposes of allowing participant to proceed)

Event Payload:


When main audio segment finishes playing


Inherited from Session-record but overwritten in app/mixins/video-record.js:57

When recorder detects a change in camera access

Event Payload:


Inherited from Full-screen but overwritten in app/mixins/full-screen.js:96

Upon detecting change out of fullscreen mode


Move to next frame


When pausing study, immediately before request to pause webcam recording


Move to previous frame


When video recorder has been installed


When main audio segment is replayed


When session video recorder has been installed


When main audio segment starts playing


When image/feedback audio is started

Event Payload:


When session video recorder has begun recording


Timer for set-duration trial begins


Inherited from Session-record but overwritten in app/mixins/video-record.js:84

Just before stopping webcam video capture


When session video recorder is stopped (upload may continue afterwards)


Trial is complete and attempting to move to next frame; may wait for recording to catch up before proceeding.


When unpausing study, immediately before request to resume webcam recording


Inherited from Session-record but overwritten in app/mixins/video-record.js:64

When recorder detects a change in video stream connection status

Event Payload:

  • status String

    status of video stream connection, e.g. 'NetConnection.Connect.Success' if successful