
File: app/mixins/session-record.js

import Ember from 'ember';
import { observer } from '@ember/object';
import VideoRecorder from '../services/video-recorder';

let {
} = Ember;

 * @module exp-player
 * @submodule mixins

 * Reference for DEVELOPERS of new frames only!
 * A mixin that can be used to add basic support for video recording to a particular experiment frame
 * You will also need to set `sessionRecorderElement` if the recorder is to be housed other than
 * in an element identified by the ID `sessionRecorder`.
 * The properties `sessionRecorder`, `sessionRecorderReady`, and
 * `sessionVideoId` become available to the consuming frame. The recorder object has fields
 * that give information about its state: `hasWebCam`, 'hasCamAccess`, `recording`,
 * `connected`, and `micChecked` - for details, see services/video-recorder.js. These
 * can be accessed from the consuming frame as e.g. `this.get('recorder').get('hasWebCam')`.
 * If starting recording, the function `onSessionRecordingStarted` will be called
 * once recording begins. If you want to do other things at this point, like proceeding
 * to a test trial, you can add this hook in your frame.
 * See 'methods' for the functions you can use on a frame that extends SessionRecord.
 * Events recorded in a frame that extends SessionRecord will automatically have additional
 * fields sessionVideoId (video filename), pipeId (temporary filename initially assigned by
 * the recording service),
 * and streamTime (when in the video they happened, in s).
 * @class Session-record

 * When recorder detects a change in camera access
 * @event hasCamAccess
 * @param {Boolean} hasCamAccess

 * When recorder detects a change in video stream connection status
 * @event videoStreamConnection
 * @param {String} status status of video stream connection, e.g.
 * 'NetConnection.Connect.Success' if successful

 * Just before stopping webcam video capture
 * @event stoppingCapture

export default Ember.Mixin.create({

     * The recorder object, accessible to the consuming frame. Includes properties
     * recorder.nWebcams, recorder.hasCamAccess, recorder.micChecked, recorder.connected.
    sessionRecorder: Ember.computed.alias('session.recorder'),
    sessionRecordingInProgress: Ember.computed.alias('session.recordingInProgress'),

    /* A video ID to use for the current recording. Format is
     * `videoStream_<experimentId>_multiframe-<frameIdOfFirstFrame>_<sessionId>_timestampMS_RRR`
     * where RRR are random numeric digits.
    sessionVideoId: Ember.computed.alias('session.videoId'),

    // JQuery ID to identify the recorder element.
    sessionRecorderElement: 'sessionRecorder',

     * Whether to start a session (multi-frame) recording as soon as possible upon loading this frame. This allows you to conduct video recording across multiple frames, simply specifying which frame to start and end on. Individual frames may also provide frame-specific recording capabilities; it is best NOT to conduct both a multiframe 'session' recording and frame-specific recording simultaneously as multiple video streams will eat up bandwidth. If you decide to use session recording, turn off recording for any frames that would otherwise record. There can be multiple session recordings in an experiment, e.g. from frames 1-3 and 5-10.
     * @property {Number} startSessionRecording
     * @default false
    startSessionRecording: false,

     * Maximum time allowed for whole-session video upload before proceeding, in seconds.
     * Can be overridden by researcher, based on tradeoff between making families wait and
     * losing data.
     * @property {Number} sessionMaxUploadSeconds
     * @default 10
    sessionMaxUploadSeconds: 10,

     * Whether to end any session (multi-frame) recording at the end of this frame.
     * @property {Number} endSessionRecording
     * @default false
    endSessionRecording: false,

    // Whether recorder has been set up yet. Automatically set when doing setup.
    sessionRecorderReady: false,

     * Whether to do audio-only (vs also video) recording for session (multiframe) recording. Only used if starting session recording this frame.
     * @property {Number} sessionAudioOnly
     * @default 0
    sessionAudioOnly: 0,

    _generateSessionVideoId() {
        return [
            this.get('id') + '-multiframe',
  , // Timestamp in ms
            Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000)

     * Set up a video recorder instance
     * @method setupRecorder
     * @param {Node} element A DOM node representing where to mount the recorder
     * @return {Promise} A promise representing the result of installing the recorder
    setupSessionRecorder(recorderElementId) {

        var $sessionRecorderElement = $('<div>', {
            id: recorderElementId,
            class: 'video-recorder-hidden'
        // Make sure to append to the player's parent so that this doesn't get removed
        // (which won't prevent recording, but WILL prevent receiving events!)
        $('#' + this.get('elementId')).parent().append($sessionRecorderElement);
        var $element = $('#' + recorderElementId);

        const maxRecordingLength = 100000000;
        const autosave = 1;
        const sessionVideoId = this._generateSessionVideoId();
        this.get('session').set('videoId', sessionVideoId);
        const sessionRecorder = new VideoRecorder({element: $element});
        const pipeLoc = Ember.getOwner(this).resolveRegistration('config:environment').pipeLoc;
        const pipeEnv = Ember.getOwner(this).resolveRegistration('config:environment').pipeEnv;
        const installPromise = sessionRecorder.install(sessionVideoId, pipeLoc, pipeEnv,
            maxRecordingLength, autosave, this.get('sessionAudioOnly'));

        // Track specific events for all frames that use VideoRecorder
        var _this = this;
        sessionRecorder.on('onCamAccess', (recId, hasAccess) => {   // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
            if (!(_this.get('isDestroyed') || _this.get('isDestroying'))) {
                _this.send('setTimeEvent', 'sessionRecorder.hasCamAccess', {
                    hasCamAccess: hasAccess
        sessionRecorder.on('onConnectionStatus', (recId, status) => {   // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
            if (!(_this.get('isDestroyed') || _this.get('isDestroying'))) {
                _this.send('setTimeEvent', 'videoStreamConnection', {
                    status: status
        this.set('sessionRecorder', sessionRecorder);
        this.send('setTimeEvent', 'setupSessionVideoRecorder', {
            sessionVideoId: sessionVideoId,
        return installPromise;

     * Start recording
     * @method startSessionRecorder
     * @return Promise Resolves when recording has started
    startSessionRecorder() {
        const sessionRecorder = this.get('sessionRecorder');
        if (sessionRecorder) {
            var _this = this;
            return sessionRecorder.record().then(() => {
                 * When session video recorder has begun recording
                 * @event startSessionRecording
                _this.send('setTimeEvent', 'startSessionRecording', {
                    sessionPipeId: sessionRecorder.get('pipeVideoName')
        } else {
            return Ember.RSVP.reject();

     * Stop recording
     * @method stopSessionRecorder
     * @return Promise Resolves when recording has been uploaded or timed out
    stopSessionRecorder() {
        const sessionRecorder = this.get('sessionRecorder');
        if (sessionRecorder) {
             * When session video recorder is stopped (upload may continue afterwards)
             * @event stopSessionRecording
            this.send('setTimeEvent', 'stopSessionRecording');
            return sessionRecorder.stop(this.get('sessionMaxUploadSeconds') * 1000);
        } else {
            return Ember.RSVP.reject();

     * Destroy recorder and stop accessing webcam
     * @method destroySessionRecorder
    destroySessionRecorder() {
        const recorder = this.get('sessionRecorder');
        if (recorder) {
            if (!(this.get('isDestroyed') || this.get('isDestroying'))) {
                this.send('setTimeEvent', 'destroyingRecorder');

    didInsertElement() {
        if (this.get('startSessionRecording')) {
            var _this = this;

            this.setupSessionRecorder(this.get('sessionRecorderElement')).then(() => {
                 * When session video recorder has been installed
                 * @event sessionRecorderReady
                _this.send('setTimeEvent', 'sessionRecorderReady');
                _this.get('session').set('recordingInProgress', true);
                _this.set('sessionRecorderReady', true);
                _this.whenPossibleToRecordSessionObserver(); // make sure this fires

    // Note: if leaving this component via 'next', that handles actually stopping the
    // session recorder if needed and calling next once complete. This provides a
    // fallback to stop if leaving via closing the window, etc. and also handles
    // actually destroying the recorder any time the component is destroyed.
    willDestroyElement() {
        var _this = this;
        if (this.get('sessionRecorder') && this.get('endSessionRecording')) {
            if (!(this.get('session').get('recordingInProgress'))) {
            } else {
                this.stopSessionRecorder().finally(() => {

     * Function called when session recording is started automatically. Override to do
     * frame-specific actions at this point (e.g., beginning a test trial).
     * @method onSessionRecordingStarted
    onSessionRecordingStarted() {

     * Observer that starts recording once session recorder is ready.
     * @method whenPossibleToRecordSessionObserver
    whenPossibleToRecordSessionObserver: observer('sessionRecorder.hasCamAccess', 'sessionRecorderReady', function() {
        if (this.get('sessionRecorder.hasCamAccess') && this.get('sessionRecorderReady')) {
            if (this.get('startSessionRecording')) {
                var _this = this;
                this.startSessionRecorder().then(() => {
                    _this.send('setTimeEvent', 'startedSessionRecording');
                    _this.set('sessionRecorderReady', false);
