import Ember from 'ember';
import Ajv from 'ajv';
//import config from 'ember-get-config';
import FullScreen from '../../mixins/full-screen';
import SessionRecord from '../../mixins/session-record';
* @module exp-player
* @submodule frames
/** An abstract component to extend when defining new Lookit frames
* This provides common base behavior required for any experiment frame. All experiment frames must extend this one.
* This frame has no configuration options because all of its logic is internal, and should not be directly used
* in an experiment.
* As a user you will almost never need to insert a component into a template directly- the platform should handle that
* by automatically inserting an <a href="../classes/Exp-player.html" class="crosslink">exp-player</a> component when your experiment starts.
* However, a sample template usage is provided below for completeness.
* ```handlebars
* {{
component currentFrameTemplate
next=(action 'next')
exit=(action 'exit')
previous=(action 'previous')
saveHandler=(action 'saveFrame')
skipone=(action 'skipone')
* ```
* @class Exp-frame-base
* @uses Full-screen
* @uses Session-record
export default Ember.Component.extend(FullScreen, SessionRecord, {
toast: Ember.inject.service(),
// {String} the unique identifier for the _instance_
id: null,
kind: null,
classNames: ['lookit-frame'],
extra: {},
mergedProperties: ['frameSchemaProperties'],
concatenatedProperties: ['frameSchemaRequired'],
frameSchemaRequired: [],
frameSchemaProperties: { // Configuration parameters, which can be auto-populated from the experiment structure JSON
meta: { // Configuration for all fields available on the component/template
data: { // Controls what and how parameters are serialized and sent to the server. Ideally there should be a validation mechanism.
type: 'object',
properties: {}
// {Number} the current exp-player frameIndex
frameIndex: null,
frameConfig: null,
frameContext: null,
frameType: 'DEFAULT',
eventTimings: null,
_oldFrameIndex: null,
* Function to generate additional properties for this frame (like {"kind": "exp-lookit-text"})
* at the time the frame is initialized. Allows behavior of study to depend on what has
* happened so far (e.g., answers on a form or to previous test trials).
* Must be a valid Javascript function, returning an object, provided as
* a string.
* Arguments that will be provided are: `expData`, `sequence`, `child`, `pastSessions`, `conditions`.
* `expData`, `sequence`, and `conditions` are the same data as would be found in the session data shown
* on the Lookit experimenter interface under 'Individual Responses', except that
* they will only contain information up to this point in the study.
* `expData` is an object consisting of `frameId`: `frameData` pairs; the data associated
* with a particular frame depends on the frame kind.
* `sequence` is an ordered list of frameIds, corresponding to the keys in `expData`.
* `conditions` is an object representing the data stored by any randomizer frames;
* keys are `frameId`s for randomizer frames and data stored depends on the randomizer
* used.
* `child` is an object that has the following properties - use child.get(propertyName)
* to access:
* - `additionalInformation`: String; additional information field from child form
* - `ageAtBirth`: String; child's gestational age at birth in weeks. Possible values are
* "24" through "39", "na" (not sure or prefer not to answer),
* "<24" (under 24 weeks), and "40>" (40 or more weeks).
* - `birthday`: Date object
* - `gender`: "f" (female), "m" (male), "o" (other), or "na" (prefer not to answer)
* - `givenName`: String, child's given name/nickname
* - `id`: String, child UUID
* - `languageList`: String, space-separated list of languages child is exposed to
* (2-letter codes)
* - `conditionList`: String, space-separated list of conditions/characteristics
* - of child from registration form, as used in criteria expression, e.g.
* "autism_spectrum_disorder deaf multiple_birth"
* `pastSessions` is a list of previous response objects for this child and this study,
* ordered starting from most recent (at index 0 is this session!). Each has properties
* (access as pastSessions[i].get(propertyName)):
* - `completed`: Boolean, whether they submitted an exit survey
* - `completedConsentFrame`: Boolean, whether they got through at least a consent frame
* - `conditions`: Object representing any conditions assigned by randomizer frames
* - `createdOn`: Date object
* - `expData`: Object consisting of frameId: frameData pairs
* - `globalEventTimings`: list of any events stored outside of individual frames - currently
* just used for attempts to leave the study early
* - `sequence`: ordered list of frameIds, corresponding to keys in expData
* - `isPreview`: Boolean, whether this is from a preview session (possible in the event
* this is an experimenter's account)
* Example:
* ```
* function(expData, sequence, child, pastSessions, conditions) {
* return {
* 'blocks':
* [
* {
* 'text': 'Name: ' + child.get('givenName')
* },
* {
* 'text': 'Frame number: ' + sequence.length
* },
* {
* 'text': 'N past sessions: ' + pastSessions.length
* }
* ]
* };
* }
* ```
* (This example is split across lines for readability; when added to JSON it would need
* to be on one line.)
* @property {String} generateProperties
* @default null
generateProperties: null,
generatedProperties: null,
_generatePropertiesFn: null,
* Function to select which frame index to go to when using the 'next' action on this
* frame. Allows flexible looping / short-circuiting based on what has happened so far
* in the study (e.g., once the child answers N questions correctly, move on to next
* segment). Must be a valid Javascript function, returning a number from 0 through
* frames.length - 1, provided as a string.
* Arguments that will be provided are:
* `frames`, `frameIndex`, `expData`, `sequence`, `child`, `pastSessions`
* `frames` is an ordered list of frame configurations for this study; each element
* is an object corresponding directly to a frame you defined in the
* JSON document for this study (but with any randomizer frames resolved into the
* particular frames that will be used this time).
* `frameIndex` is the index in `frames` of the current frame
* `expData` is an object consisting of `frameId`: `frameData` pairs; the data associated
* with a particular frame depends on the frame kind.
* `sequence` is an ordered list of frameIds, corresponding to the keys in `expData`.
* `child` is an object that has the following properties - use child.get(propertyName)
* to access:
* - `additionalInformation`: String; additional information field from child form
* - `ageAtBirth`: String; child's gestational age at birth in weeks. Possible values are
* "24" through "39", "na" (not sure or prefer not to answer),
* "<24" (under 24 weeks), and "40>" (40 or more weeks).
* - `birthday`: timestamp in format "Mon Apr 10 2017 20:00:00 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)"
* - `gender`: "f" (female), "m" (male), "o" (other), or "na" (prefer not to answer)
* - `givenName`: String, child's given name/nickname
* - `id`: String, child UUID
* `pastSessions` is a list of previous response objects for this child and this study,
* ordered starting from most recent (at index 0 is this session!). Each has properties
* (access as pastSessions[i].get(propertyName)):
* - `completed`: Boolean, whether they submitted an exit survey
* - `completedConsentFrame`: Boolean, whether they got through at least a consent frame
* - `conditions`: Object representing any conditions assigned by randomizer frames
* - `createdOn`: timestamp in format "Thu Apr 18 2019 12:33:26 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)"
* - `expData`: Object consisting of frameId: frameData pairs
* - `globalEventTimings`: list of any events stored outside of individual frames - currently
* just used for attempts to leave the study early
* - `sequence`: ordered list of frameIds, corresponding to keys in expData
* Example that just sends us to the last frame of the study no matter what:
* ``"function(frames, frameIndex, frameData, expData, sequence, child, pastSessions) {return frames.length - 1;}"```
* @property {String} selectNextFrame
* @default null
selectNextFrame: null,
_selectNextFrameFn: null,
* An object containing values for any parameters (variables) to use in this frame.
* Any property VALUES in this frame that match any of the property NAMES in `parameters`
* will be replaced by the corresponding parameter value. For example, suppose your frame
* is:
'kind': 'FRAME_KIND',
'parameters': {
'FRAME_KIND': 'exp-lookit-text'
* Then the frame `kind` will be `exp-lookit-text`. This may be useful if you need
* to repeat values for different frame properties, especially if your frame is actually
* a randomizer or group. You may use parameters nested within objects (at any depth) or
* within lists.
* You can also use selectors to randomly sample from or permute
* a list defined in `parameters`. Suppose `STIMLIST` is defined in
* `parameters`, e.g. a list of potential stimuli. Rather than just using `STIMLIST`
* as a value in your frames, you can also:
* * Select the Nth element (0-indexed) of the value of `STIMLIST`: (Will cause error if `N >= THELIST.length`)
'parameterName': 'STIMLIST#N'
* * Select (uniformly) a random element of the value of `STIMLIST`:
'parameterName': 'STIMLIST#RAND'
* * Set `parameterName` to a random permutation of the value of `STIMLIST`:
'parameterName': 'STIMLIST#PERM'
* * Select the next element in a random permutation of the value of `STIMLIST`, which is used across all
* substitutions in this randomizer. This allows you, for instance, to provide a list
* of possible images in your `parameterSet`, and use a different one each frame with the
* subset/order randomized per participant. If more `STIMLIST#UNIQ` parameters than
* elements of `STIMLIST` are used, we loop back around to the start of the permutation
* generated for this randomizer.
'parameterName': 'STIMLIST#UNIQ'
* @property {Object[]} parameters
* @default {}
parameters: {},
session: null,
frameStartTimestamp: null, // keep track of when frame started to store duration
// see Moved
// to init because we were losing the first event per instance of a frame
// when it was in didReceiveAttrs.
setTimings: Ember.on('init', function () {
this.set('eventTimings', []);
loadData: function (frameData) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
return null;
didReceiveAttrs: function () {
if (!this.get('frameConfig')) {
let currentFrameIndex = this.get('frameIndex', null);
let clean = currentFrameIndex !== this.get('_oldFrameIndex');
var defaultParams = this.setupParams(clean);
if (clean) {
Object.keys(defaultParams).forEach((key) => {
this.set(key, defaultParams[key]);
if (!this.get('id')) {
var frameIndex = this.get('frameIndex');
var kind = this.get('kind');
this.set('id', `${kind}-${frameIndex}`);
if (clean) {
var session = this.get('session');
var expData = session ? session.get('expData') : null;
// Load any existing data for this particular frame - e.g. for a survey that
// the participant is returning to via a previous button.
if (session && session.get('expData')) {
var key = this.get('frameIndex') + '-' + this.get('id');
if (expData[key]) {
// Use the provided generateProperties fn, if any, to generate properties for this
// frame on-the-fly based on expData, sequence, child, & pastSessions.
if (this.get('generateProperties')) { // Only if generateProperties is non-empty
try {
this.set('_generatePropertiesFn', Function('return ' + this.get('generateProperties'))());
} catch (error) {
throw new Error('generateProperties provided for this frame, but cannot be evaluated.');
if (typeof (this.get('_generatePropertiesFn')) === 'function') {
var sequence = session ? session.get('sequence', null) : null;
var child = session ? session.get('child', null) : null;
var conditions = session ? session.get('conditions', {}) : {};
var frameContext = this.get('frameContext');
var pastSessions = frameContext ? frameContext.pastSessions : null;
var generatedParams = this._generatePropertiesFn(expData, sequence, child, pastSessions, conditions);
if (typeof (generatedParams) === 'object') {
this.set('generatedProperties', generatedParams);
Object.keys(generatedParams).forEach((key) => {
this.set(key, generatedParams[key]);
} else {
throw new Error('generateProperties function provided for this frame, but did not return an object');
} else {
throw new Error('generateProperties provided for this frame, but does not evaluate to a function');
// Use the provided selectNextFrame fn, if any, to determine which frame should come
// next.
if (this.get('selectNextFrame')) { // Only if selectNextFrame is non-empty
try {
this.set('_selectNextFrameFn', Function('return ' + this.get('selectNextFrame'))());
} catch (error) {
throw new Error('selectNextFrame provided for this frame, but cannot be evaluated.');
if (!(typeof (this.get('_selectNextFrameFn')) === 'function')) {
throw new Error('selectNextFrame provided for this frame, but does not evaluate to a function');
// After adding any generated properties, check that all required fields are set
if (this.get('frameSchemaProperties').hasOwnProperty('required')) {
var requiredFields = this.get('frameSchemaProperties.required', []);
requiredFields.forEach((key) => {
if (!this.hasOwnProperty(key) || this.get(key) === undefined) {
// Don't actually throw an error here because the frame may actually still function and that's probably good
console.error(`Missing required parameter '${key}' for frame of kind '${this.get('kind')}'.`);
// Use JSON schema validator to check that all values are within specified constraints
var ajv = new Ajv({
allErrors: true,
verbose: true
var frameSchema = {type: 'object', properties: this.get('frameSchemaProperties')};
try {
var validate = ajv.compile(frameSchema);
var valid = validate(this);
if (!valid) {
console.warn('Invalid: ' + ajv.errorsText(validate.errors));
catch (error) {
console.error(`Failed to compile frameSchemaProperties to use for validating researcher usage of frame type '${this.get('kind')}.`);
this.set('_oldFrameIndex', currentFrameIndex);
// Internal save logic
_save() {
var frameId = `${this.get('id')}`; // don't prepend frameindex, done by parser
// When exiting frame, save the data to the base player using the provided saveHandler
const payload = this.serializeContent();
return this.attrs.saveHandler(frameId, payload);
// Display error messages related to save failures
displayError(error) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
// If the save failure was a server error, warn the user. This error should never disappear.
// Note: errors are not visible in FS mode, which is generally the desired behavior so as not to silently
// bias infant looking time towards right.
const msg = 'Check your internet connection. If another error like this still shows up as you continue, please contact to let us know!';
this.get('toast').error(msg, 'Error: Could not save data', {timeOut: 0, extendedTimeOut: 0});
setupParams(clean) {
// Add config properties and data to be serialized as instance parameters (overriding with values explicitly passed in)
var params = this.get('frameConfig');
var defaultParams = {};
Object.keys(this.get('frameSchemaProperties') || {}).forEach((key) => {
defaultParams[key] = this.get(`frameSchemaProperties.${key}.default`);
Object.keys(this.get('').properties || {}).forEach((key) => {
if (this[key] && this[key].isDescriptor) {
var value = !clean ? this.get(key) : undefined;
if (typeof value === 'undefined') {
// Make deep copy of the default value (to avoid subtle reference errors from reusing mutable containers)
defaultParams[key] = Ember.copy(this.get(`frameSchemaProperties.${key}.default`), true);
} else {
defaultParams[key] = value;
// Need to explicitly set defaults for non-meta properties here, otherwise defaults
// do not overwrite previous properties when no value is provided on the next
// frame.
defaultParams.generateProperties = null;
defaultParams.generatedProperties = null;
defaultParams.selectNextFrame = null;
Ember.assign(defaultParams, params);
return defaultParams;
* Any properties generated via a custom generateProperties function provided to this
* frame (e.g., a score you computed to decide on feedback). In general will be null.
* @attribute generatedProperties
* Duration between frame being inserted and call to `next`
* @attribute frameDuration
* Type of frame: EXIT (exit survey), CONSENT (consent or assent frame), or DEFAULT
* (anything else)
* @attribute frameType
* Ordered list of events captured during this frame (oldest to newest). Each event is
* represented as an object with at least the properties
* `{'eventType': EVENTNAME, 'timestamp': TIMESTAMP}`.
* See Events tab for details of events that might be captured.
* @attribute eventTimings
* Each frame that extends ExpFrameBase will send at least an array `eventTimings`,
* a frame type, and any generateProperties back to the server upon completion.
* Individual frames may define additional properties that are sent.
* @param {Array} eventTimings
* @method serializeContent
* @return {Object}
serializeContent() {
// Serialize selected parameters for this frame, plus eventTiming data
var serialized = this.getProperties(Object.keys(this.get('') || {}));
serialized.generatedProperties = this.get('generatedProperties');
serialized.eventTimings = this.get('eventTimings');
serialized.frameType = this.get('frameType');
try {
serialized.frameDuration = (new Date().getTime() - this.get('frameStartTimestamp'))/1000;
} catch(e){
serialized.frameDuration = null;
return serialized;
* Create the time event payload for a particular frame / event. This can be overridden to add fields to every
* event sent by a particular frame
* @method makeTimeEvent
* @param {String} eventName
* @param {Object} [extra] An object with additional properties to be sent to the server
* @return {Object} Event type, time, and any additional metadata provided
makeTimeEvent(eventName, extra) {
const curTime = new Date();
const eventData = {
eventType: `${this.get('kind', 'unknown-frame')}:${eventName}`,
timestamp: curTime.toISOString()
Ember.assign(eventData, extra);
// Add some extra info if there's session recording ongoing
if (this.get('sessionRecorder') && this.get('sessionRecordingInProgress')) {
Ember.assign(eventData, {
sessionStreamTime: this.get('sessionRecorder').getTime()
return eventData;
setSessionCompleted() {
this.get('session').set('completed', true);
actions: {
setTimeEvent(eventName, extra) {
let eventData = this.makeTimeEvent(eventName, extra);
console.log(`Timing event captured for ${eventName}`, eventData);
// Copy timing event into a single dict for this component instance
let timings = this.get('eventTimings');
this.set('eventTimings', timings);
save() {
// Show an error if saving fails
this._save().catch(err => this.displayError(err));
next() {
* Move to next frame
* @event nextFrame
this.send('setTimeEvent', 'nextFrame');
// Determine which frame to go to next
var iNextFrame = -1;
if (this._selectNextFrameFn) {
var session = this.get('session');
var expData = session ? session.get('expData') : null;
var sequence = session ? session.get('sequence', null) : null;
var child = session ? session.get('child', null) : null;
var frameContext = this.get('frameContext');
var pastSessions = frameContext ? frameContext.pastSessions : null;
var frames = this.get('parentView').get('frames');
var frameIndex = this.get('frameIndex');
var frameData = this.serializeContent(); // note - may not have saved to expData yet at time of call
iNextFrame = this._selectNextFrameFn(frames, frameIndex, frameData, expData, sequence, child, pastSessions);
if (!(typeof (iNextFrame) === 'number')) {
throw new Error('selectNextFrame function provided for this frame, but did not return a number');
// Note: this will allow participant to proceed even if saving fails. The
// reason not to execute 'next' within this._save().then() is that an action
// executed as a promise doesn't count as a 'user interaction' event, so
// we wouldn't be able to enter FS mode upon starting the next frame. Given
// that the user is likely to have limited ability to FIX a save error, and the
// only thing they'll really be able to do is try again anyway, preventing
// them from continuing is unnecessarily disruptive.
if (this.get('endSessionRecording') && this.get('sessionRecorder')) {
var _this = this;
if (!(this.get('session').get('recordingInProgress'))) {
_this.sendAction('next', iNextFrame);
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
} else {
this.get('session').set('recordingInProgress', false);
this.stopSessionRecorder().finally(() => {
_this.sendAction('next', iNextFrame);
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
} else {
this.sendAction('next', iNextFrame);
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
exit() {
previous() {
* Move to previous frame
* @event previousFrame
this.send('setTimeEvent', 'previousFrame');
var frameId = `${this.get('id')}`; // don't prepend frameindex, done by parser
console.log(`Previous: Leaving frame ID ${frameId}`);
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
didInsertElement() {
// Add different classes depending on whether fullscreen mode is
// being triggered as part of standard frame operation or as an override to a frame
// that is not typically fullscreen. In latter case, keep formatting as close to
// before as possible, to enable forms etc. to work ok in fullscreen mode.
this.set('frameStartTimestamp', new Date().getTime());
var $element = Ember.$(`#${this.get('fullScreenElementId')}`);
if (this.get('displayFullscreenOverride') && !this.get('displayFullscreen')) {
} else {
// Set to non-fullscreen (or FS if overriding) immediately, except for frames displayed fullscreen.
// Note: if this is defined the same way in full-screen.js, it gets called twice
// for reasons I don't yet understand.
if (this.get('displayFullscreenOverride') || this.get('displayFullscreen')) {
} else {