import Ember from 'ember';
* @module exp-player
* @submodule services
let {
} = Ember;
'cam': null,
'mic': null
// Deal with Firefox issue where, after selecting camera/mic to share and saying to
// 'remember' settings, the default cam/mic are used each time getUserMedia is called.
// This does NOT fix persisting selections across multiple Lookit sessions, but will
// persist it through the session (one page load). (To forcibly fix selection, can
// revoke & refresh page).
// Override getUserMedia function to insert our preference on camera and mic, and to set
// that preference the first time getUserMedia is called successfully. We do this rather than
// editing and hosting our own copy so we don't have to
// maintain across changes to Pipe.
// Only override newer navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia rather than also
// navigator.getUserMedia, as the latter will only be used by Pipe if the newer one is not
// available, in which case probably bigger problems than this one.
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia = (function(origGetUserMedia) {
return function() {
// Add preferred mic and camera, if already stored, to any other constraints being
// passed to getUserMedia
var constraints = arguments[0];
if (constraints.hasOwnProperty('audio') && LOOKIT_PREFERRED_DEVICES.mic) { = LOOKIT_PREFERRED_DEVICES.mic;
if (constraints.hasOwnProperty('video') && { =;
return origGetUserMedia.apply(this, arguments).then(function(stream) {
// Set the preferred cam/mic IDs the first time we get a stream
try {
var audioTracks = stream.getAudioTracks();
var videoTracks = stream.getVideoTracks();
if (!LOOKIT_PREFERRED_DEVICES.mic && audioTracks) {
var thisAudioLabel = audioTracks[0].label;
.then(function(devices) {
devices.forEach(function(device) {
if (device.kind == 'audioinput' && device.label == thisAudioLabel) {
LOOKIT_PREFERRED_DEVICES.mic = device.deviceId;
if (! && videoTracks) {
var thisVideoLabel = videoTracks[0].label;
.then(function(devices) {
devices.forEach(function(device) {
if (device.kind == 'videoinput' && device.label == thisVideoLabel) { = device.deviceId;
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error setting preferred mic/camera: ' + error);
return stream;
* An instance of a video recorder tied to or used by one specific page. A given experiment may use more than one
* video recorder depending on the number of video capture frames.
* @class video-recorder
const VideoRecorder = Ember.Object.extend({
element: null,
divId: 'lookit-video-recorder',
recorderId: (new Date().getTime() + ''),
pipeVideoName: '',
started: Ember.computed.alias('_started').readOnly(),
hasCamAccess: false,
nWebcams: Ember.computed.alias('_nWebcams').readOnly(), // number of webcams available for recording
nMics: Ember.computed.alias('_nMics').readOnly(), // number of microphones available for recording
recording: Ember.computed.alias('_recording').readOnly(),
hasCreatedRecording: Ember.computed.alias('_hasCreatedRecording').readOnly(),
connected: false,
uploadTimeout: null, // timer counting from attempt to stop until we should just
//resolve the stopPromise
maxUploadTimeMs: 5000,
_started: false,
_camAccess: false,
_recording: false,
_recorderReady: false,
_hasCreatedRecording: false,
_nWebcams: 0,
_nMics: 0,
_recordPromise: null,
_stopPromise: null,
_isuploaded: false,
recorder: null, // The actual recorder object, also stored in PipeSDK.recorders obj
// List of webcam hooks that should be added to recorder
// See
hooks: ['onRecordingStarted',
minVolume: 1, // Volume required to pass mic check
micChecked: false, // Has the microphone ever exceeded minVolume?
* Install a recorder onto the page and optionally begin recording immediately.
* @method install
* @param videoFilename desired filename for video (will be set after saving with Pipe name) ['']
* @param pipeKey Pipe account hash ['']
* @param pipeEnv which Pipe environment [1]
* @param maxRecordingTime recording length limit in s [100000000]
* @param autosave whether to autosave - 1 or 0 [1]
* @param audioOnly whether to do audio only recording - 1 or 0 [0]
* @return {Promise} Resolves when widget successfully installed and started
install(videoFilename = '', pipeKey = '', pipeEnv = 1, maxRecordingTime = 100000000, autosave = 1, audioOnly = 0) {
let origDivId = this.get('divId');
this.set('divId', `${this.get('divId')}-${this.get('recorderId')}`);
var $element = $(this.get('element'));
let divId = this.get('divId');
var $container = $('<div>', {
id: `${divId}-container`,
css: {
height: '100%'
this.set('$container', $container);
$container.append($('<div>', {id: divId, class: origDivId}));
return new RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) => { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
var pipeConfig = {
qualityurl: '',
showMenu: 0, // hide recording button menu
sis: 1, // skip initial screen
asv: autosave, // autosave recordings
st: 0, // don't show timer
mv: 0, // don't mirror video for display
dpv: 1, // disable pre-recorded video on mobile
ao: audioOnly, // not audio-only
dup: 0, // don't allow file uploads
payload: videoFilename, // data used by webhook to rename video
accountHash: pipeKey,
eid: pipeEnv, // environment ID for pipe account
mrt: maxRecordingTime,
size: { // just display size when showing to user. We override css.
width: 320,
height: 240
this.set('_started', true);
var _this = this;
PipeSDK.insert(divId, pipeConfig, function(myRecorderObject) {
_this.set('recorder', PipeSDK.getRecorderById(divId));
_this.get('hooks').forEach(hookName => {
// At the time the hook is actually called, look up the appropriate
// functions both from here and that might be added later.
myRecorderObject[hookName] = function(...args) {
if (_this.get('_' + hookName)) { // 'Native' hook defined here
_this['_' + hookName].apply(_this, args);
if (_this.hasOwnProperty(hookName)) { // Some hook added later via 'on'
_this[hookName].apply(_this, args);
return resolve();
* Start recording a video, and allow the state of the recording to be accessed for later usage
* @method record
* @return {Promise}
record() {
if (!this.get('started')) {
throw new Error('Must call start before record');
let count = 0;
var _this = this;
this.set('_isuploaded', false);
let id = window.setInterval(() => {
if (++count > 50) { // stop trying - failure (5s)
if (_this.get('onCamAccess')) {
_this.get('onCamAccess').call(_this, false);
return window.clearInterval(id), _this.get('_recordPromise').reject();
if (!_this.get('recorder') || !(_this.get('recorder').record)) {
return null;
window.clearInterval(id); // stop trying - success
return null;
}, 100); // try every 100ms
return new Ember.RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (_this.get('recording')) {
} else {
_this.set('_recordPromise', {
* Get a timestamp based on the current recording position. Useful to ensure that tracked timing events
* line up with the video.
* @method getTime
* @return {Date|null}
getTime() {
let recorder = this.get('recorder');
if (recorder && recorder.getStreamTime) {
return parseFloat(recorder.getStreamTime());
return null;
* Stop recording and save the video to the server
* @method stop
stop(maxUploadTimeMs = 5000) {
var recorder = this.get('recorder');
if (recorder) {
try {
} catch (e) {
console.log('error stopping video');
this.set('_recording', false);
var _this = this;
var _stopPromise = new Ember.RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
// If we don't end up uploading within 5 seconds, call reject
_this.set('uploadTimeout', window.setTimeout(function() {
console.warn('waiting for upload timed out');
}, maxUploadTimeMs));
if (_this.get('_isuploaded')) {
} else {
_this.set('_stopPromise', {
resolve: resolve,
reject: reject
return _stopPromise;
* Destroy video recorder
* @method destroy
destroy() {
console.log(`Destroying the videoRecorder: ${this.get('divId')}`);
if (this.get('recorder') && this.get('recorder').remove) {
this.set('_recording', false);
on(hookName, func) {
if (this.get('hooks').indexOf(hookName) === -1) {
throw `Invalid event ${hookName}`;
this.set(hookName, func);
// Begin webcam hooks
_onRecordingStarted(recorderId) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
this.set('_recording', true);
this.set('_hasCreatedRecording', true);
this.set('pipeVideoName', this.get('recorder').getStreamName());
if (this.get('_recordPromise')) {
// Once recording finishes uploading, resolve call to stop
_onUploadDone(recorderId, streamName, streamDuration, audioCodec, videoCodec, fileType, audioOnly, location) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
this.set('_isuploaded', true);
if (this.get('_stopPromise')) {
console.log('Upload completed for file: ' + streamName);
_onCamAccess(recorderId, allowed) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
console.log('onCamAccess: ' + recorderId);
this.set('hasCamAccess', allowed);
_onReadyToRecord(recorderId, recorderType) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
this.set('_recorderReady', true);
_userHasCamMic(recorderId, camNumber, micNumber) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
this.set('_nWebcams', camNumber);
this.set('_nMics', micNumber);
_onConnectionStatus(recorderId, status) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
this.set('connected', status === 'connected');
_onMicActivityLevel(recorderId, currentActivityLevel) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
if (currentActivityLevel > this.get('minVolume')) {
this.set('micChecked', true);
// Remove the handler so we're not running this every single mic sample from now on
this.set('_onMicActivityLevel', null);
// This would remove the handler from the actual recorder, but we might have
// something added by a consuming frame via the 'on' fn
//this.get('recorder').onMicActivityLevel = function (recorderId, currentActivityLevel) {};
// Additional hooks available:
// btRecordPressed = function (recorderId) {};
// btPlayPressed(recorderId)
// btStopRecordingPressed = function (recorderId) {};
// btPausePressed = function (recorderId) {};
// onPlaybackComplete = function (recorderId) {};
// onConnectionClosed = function (recorderId) {};
// onSaveOk = function (recorderId, streamName, streamDuration, cameraName, micName, audioCodec, videoCodec, filetype, videoId, audioOnly, location) {};
// End webcam hooks
export default VideoRecorder;