import Em from 'ember';
import layout from './template';
import ExpFrameBaseComponent from '../exp-frame-base/component';
import VideoRecord from '../../mixins/video-record';
import ExpandAssets from '../../mixins/expand-assets';
import { audioAssetOptions, videoAssetOptions, imageAssetOptions } from '../../mixins/expand-assets';
import { computed } from '@ember/object';
let {
} = Em;
* @module exp-player
* @submodule frames
Video assent frame for Lookit studies for older children to agree to participation,
separately from parental consent.
A series of assent form "pages" is displayed, each one displaying some combination of
(a) an image or the participant's webcam view or a video, (b) audio, and (c) text. You can
optionally record webcam video during the whole assent procedure or on the last page.
Once the family has viewed all pages, the
child can answer a question about whether to participate. If they choose yes, they proceed;
if they choose no, they are sent to the exit URL.
You can either simply have children click on "Yes" or "No," or you can add audio/video on
the last page that instructs them to answer verbally, and do webcam recording on that page.
For instance, you might show a video of yourself asking "Do you want to participate in this study?
You can say "yes" or "no." Parents, once your child has answered, please click on their answer
to the right."
In general it is expected that only one of webcam view, video, and image will be provided per
page, although it is ok to have only text or only text plus audio. If audio or video is provided for a page,
the participant must finish it to proceed. (If both audio and video are provided they will
be played simultaneously and both must finish for the participant to proceed.) They only
need to complete the audio/video for a given page once, in case they navigate using the
previous/next buttons.
This frame can optionally be shown only when the child is at least N years old, in case
some participants will need to give assent and others will rely only on parent consent.
Specifying media locations:
For `imgSrc` parameters within `pages`, you can either specify complete URLs or partial URLs
relative to a base directory `baseDir` for the frame. Images are expected to be in an
`img` directory within the `baseDir`. For instance, in the example below,
the first page's image is at ``.
For any parameters that expect a list of audio/video sources, you can EITHER provide
a list of src/type pairs with full paths like this:
'src': 'http://.../video1.mp4',
'type': 'video/mp4'
'src': 'http://.../video1.webm',
'type': 'video/webm'
OR you can provide a single string 'stub', which will be expanded
based on the parameter baseDir and the media types expected - either audioTypes or
videoTypes as appropriate. For example, if you provide the audio source `intro`
and baseDir is, with audioTypes ['mp3', 'ogg'], then this
will be expanded to:
src: '',
type: 'audio/mp3'
src: '',
type: 'audio/ogg'
This allows you to simplify your JSON document a bit and also easily switch to a
new version of your stimuli without changing every URL. You can mix source objects with
full URLs and those using stubs within the same directory. However, any stimuli
specified using stubs MUST be organized as expected under baseDir/MEDIATYPE/filename.MEDIATYPE.
Example usage:
"frames": {
"video-assent": {
"kind": "exp-lookit-video-assent",
"pages": [
"imgSrc": "jane_smith.png",
"altText": "Jane Smith",
"textBlocks": [
"text": "My name is Jane Smith. I am a scientist who studies why children love cats."
"audio": "narration_1"
"imgSrc": "cats_game.png",
"altText": "picture of sample game",
"textBlocks": [
"text": "In this study, you will play a game about cats."
"showWebcam": true,
"textBlocks": [
"text": "During the study, your webcam will record a video of you. We will watch this video later to see how much you love cats."
"baseDir": "",
"videoTypes": [
"participationQuestion": "Do you want to participate in this study?",
"minimumYearsToAssent": 7
@class Exp-lookit-video-assent
@extends Exp-frame-base
@uses Video-record
@uses Expand-assets
export default ExpFrameBaseComponent.extend(VideoRecord, ExpandAssets, {
frameType: 'CONSENT',
disableRecord: Em.computed('recorder.recording', 'recorder.hasCamAccess', function () {
return !this.get('recorder.hasCamAccess') || this.get('recorder.recording');
startedRecording: false,
pageIndex: null,
readAllPages: false,
noNext: computed('pageIndex', 'hasCompletedThisPageAudio', 'hasCompletedThisPageVideo', function() {
return (this.get('pageIndex') >= this.get('pages.length') - 1) || (!this.get('hasCompletedThisPageAudio')) || (!this.get('hasCompletedThisPageVideo'));
noPrev: computed('pageIndex', function() {
return this.get('pageIndex') <= 0;
currentPage: computed('pageIndex', function() {
return this.get('pages_parsed')[this.get('pageIndex')];
pageHasAudio: computed('pageIndex', function() {
return !!this.get('pages_parsed')[this.get('pageIndex')].audio;
pageHasVideo: computed('pageIndex', function() {
return !!this.get('pages_parsed')[this.get('pageIndex')].video;
hasCompletedEachPageAudio: [false], // start off with just covering page 0, populate in didInsert
hasCompletedEachPageVideo: [false],
hasCompletedThisPageAudio: false, // Track state of current page for blocking 'continue' action
hasCompletedThisPageVideo: false,
childResponse: false,
* @property {Boolean} startRecordingAutomatically
* @private
startRecordingAutomatically: Em.computed.alias('recordWholeProcedure'),
* @property {Boolean} showWaitForRecordingMessage
* @private
showWaitForRecordingMessage: false,
* @property {Boolean} waitForRecordingMessage
* @private
* @property {Boolean} waitForRecordingMessageColor
* @private
* @property {Boolean} showWaitForUploadMessage
* @private
* @property {Boolean} waitForUploadMessage
* @private
* @property {String} waitForUploadMessageColor
* @private
* @property {String} waitForWebcamImage
* @private
* @property {String} waitForWebcamVideo
* @private
assetsToExpand: {
'audio': ['pages/audio'],
'video': ['pages/video'],
'image': ['pages/imgSrc']
// Utility to play audio/video object and avoid failing to actually trigger play for
// dumb browser reasons / race conditions
playMedia(mediaObj) {
mediaObj.currentTime = 0; => {
}).catch(() => {;
updatePage() {
if (this.get('recordLastPage') && !this.get('recordWholeProcedure') && (this.get('pageIndex') === this.get('pages').length - 1)) {
if (this.get('pageHasAudio')) {
if (this.get('pageHasVideo')) {
this.set('hasCompletedThisPageAudio', this.get('hasCompletedEachPageAudio')[this.get('pageIndex')]);
this.set('hasCompletedThisPageVideo', this.get('hasCompletedEachPageVideo')[this.get('pageIndex')]);
actions: {
nextVideo() {
this.set('pageIndex', this.get('pageIndex') + 1);
if ((this.get('pageIndex') === this.get('pages').length - 1) && !this.get('pageHasAudio') && !this.get('pageHasVideo')) {
this.set('readAllPages', true);
* Participant proceeded to next assent page
* @event nextAssentPage
* @param {Number} pageNumber which assent page was viewed (zero-indexed)
this.send('setTimeEvent', 'nextAssentPage',
{pageNumber: this.get('pageIndex')});
previousVideo() {
this.set('pageIndex', this.get('pageIndex') - 1);
* Participant returned to previous assent page
* @event previousAssentPage
* @param {Number} pageNumber which assent page was viewed (zero-indexed)
this.send('setTimeEvent', 'previousAssentPage',
{pageNumber: this.get('pageIndex')});
selectYes() {
this.set('childResponse', 'Yes');
selectNo() {
this.set('childResponse', 'No');
submit() {
this.session.set('completedConsentFrame', true);
* Participant submitted assent question answer
* @event assentQuestionSubmit
* @param {String} childResponse child response submitted ('Yes' or 'No')
this.send('setTimeEvent', 'assentQuestionSubmit',
{childResponse: this.get('childResponse')});
var _this = this;
if (_this.get('childResponse') === 'Yes') {
this.stopRecorder().then(() => {
}, () => {
} else {
audioCompleted() {
this.get('hasCompletedEachPageAudio')[this.get('pageIndex')] = true;
this.set('hasCompletedThisPageAudio', true);
if (this.get('pageIndex') === this.get('pages').length - 1) {
this.set('readAllPages', true);
videoCompleted() {
this.get('hasCompletedEachPageVideo')[this.get('pageIndex')] = true;
this.set('hasCompletedThisPageVideo', true);
if (this.get('pageIndex') === this.get('pages').length - 1) {
this.set('readAllPages', true);
download() {
// Get the text of the consent form to process. Split into lines, and remove
// repeat empty lines. Start each new line with an indent.
var origText = $('#consent-form-full-text').text().split(/\r?\n/);
var trimmedText = [];
var emptyLineWasLast = false;
$.each(origText, function(idx, val) {
if (val.trim() || !emptyLineWasLast) {
trimmedText.push(' ' + val.trim());
if (emptyLineWasLast) {
if (val.trim()) {
emptyLineWasLast = false;
} else {
emptyLineWasLast = true;
// Prep PDF - need to set font before splitting lines
var consentPDF = new jsPDF();
var timeString = moment().format('MMMM Do YYYY, h:mm:ss a'); // for header
// Wrap lines so they'll fit nicely on the page
var splitText = consentPDF.splitTextToSize(trimmedText, 150);
// Split into pages
var linesPerPage = 55;
var nPages = Math.ceil(splitText.length / linesPerPage);
for (var iPage = 0; iPage < nPages; iPage++) {
// Header on each page
consentPDF.text('Child assent form: ' + this.get('experiment').get('name'), 10, 10);
consentPDF.text(timeString + ' (page ' + (iPage + 1) + ' of ' + nPages + ')', 10, 15);
// Actual text for the page
consentPDF.text(splitText.slice(linesPerPage * iPage, linesPerPage * (iPage + 1)), 25, 25);
// Go to the next page
if (iPage < (nPages - 1)) {
}'Lookit_study_child_assent_' + moment().format('YYYY_MM_DD') + '.pdf');
* When participant downloads consent form
* @event downloadConsentForm
this.send('setTimeEvent', 'downloadConsentForm');
frameSchemaProperties: {
* A list of pages of assent form text/pictures/video for the participant to read through
* @property {Array} pages
* @param {String} altText Alt-text used for the image displayed, if any
* @param {Object[]} video (Optional) String indicating video path relative to baseDir (see baseDir), OR Array of {src: 'url', type: 'MIMEtype'} objects. Video will be displayed (with controls shown) and participant must complete to proceed.
* @param {Object[]} audio (Optional) String indicating audio path relative to baseDir (see baseDir), OR Array of {src: 'url', type: 'MIMEtype'} objects. Audio will be played (with controls shown) and participant must complete to proceed.
* @param {String} imgSrc (Optional) URL of image to display; can be full path or relative to baseDir
* @param {Object[]} textBlocks list of text blocks to show on this page, processed by exp-text-block. Can use HTML.
* @param {Boolean} showWebcam Whether to display the participant webcam on this page
pages: {
type: 'array',
description: 'A list of videos to preview',
items: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
imgSrc: {
anyOf: imageAssetOptions,
default: ''
altText: {
type: 'string',
default: 'image'
video: {
anyOf: videoAssetOptions,
default: []
audio: {
anyOf: audioAssetOptions,
default: []
textBlocks: {
type: 'array',
default: []
showWebcam: {
type: 'boolean',
default: false
required: []
default: []
* Text on the button to proceed to the next example video/image
* @property {String} nextStimulusText
nextStimulusText: {
type: 'string',
description: 'Text on the button to proceed to the next example video/image',
default: 'Next'
* Whether to record webcam video on the last page
* @property {Boolean} recordLastPage
recordLastPage: {
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Whether to record webcam video on the last page',
default: false
* Whether to record webcam video during the entire assent frame (if true, overrides recordLastPage)
* @property {Boolean} recordWholeProcedure
recordWholeProcedure: {
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Whether to record webcam video during the entire assent frame',
default: false
* Text on the button to proceed to the previous example video/image
* @property {String} previousStimulusText
previousStimulusText: {
type: 'string',
description: 'Text on the button to proceed to the previous example video/image',
default: 'Previous'
* Text of the question to ask about whether to participate. Answer options are Yes/No; No means study will stop, Yes means it will proceed.
* @property {String} participationQuestion
participationQuestion: {
type: 'string',
description: 'Text on the button to proceed to the previous example video/image',
default: 'Do you want to participate in this study?'
* How many years old the child has to be for this page to be shown. If child
* is younger, the page is skipped. Leave at 0 to always show. This is an
* age in 'calendar years' - it will line up with the child's birthday,
* regardless of leap years etc.
* @property {String} minimumYearsToAssent
minimumYearsToAssent: {
type: 'number',
description: 'How many years old the child has to be for this page to be shown',
default: 0
meta: {
data: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
videoId: {
type: 'string'
videoList: {
type: 'list'
* the exact text shown in the assent document during this frame
* @attribute assentFormText
assentFormText: {
type: 'string'
* The child's response to the assent question - Yes or No
* @attribute childResponse
childResponse: {
type: 'string'
required: []
didInsertElement() {
this.set('assentFormText', $('#consent-form-full-text').text());
var hasCompletedEachPageAudio = [];
for (let iPage = 0; iPage < this.get('pages_parsed').length; iPage++) {
hasCompletedEachPageAudio[iPage] = !this.get('pages_parsed')[iPage].audio; // count as completed if no audio
this.set('hasCompletedEachPageAudio', hasCompletedEachPageAudio);
var hasCompletedEachPageVideo = [];
for (let iPage = 0; iPage < this.get('pages_parsed').length; iPage++) {
hasCompletedEachPageVideo[iPage] = !this.get('pages_parsed')[iPage].video; // count as completed if no video
this.set('hasCompletedEachPageVideo', hasCompletedEachPageVideo);
this.set('pageIndex', -1);
if (this.get('session').get('child') && this.get('session').get('child').get('birthday')) { // always show frame in preview mode
var dob = this.get('session').get('child').get('birthday');
// var ageInDays = ((new Date()) - dob)/(1000*60*60*24);
// Calculate age in full years (i.e., will line up with how many years old the
// child is considered, will not vary based on whether some of those years have been
// leap years)
var today = new Date();
var beforeBirthday = 0;
if (today.getMonth() < dob.getMonth() || ((today.getMonth() == dob.getMonth()) && today.getDate() < dob.getDate())) {
beforeBirthday = 1;
var ageInYears = today.getFullYear() - dob.getFullYear() - beforeBirthday;
if (this.get('minimumYearsToAssent') && ageInYears < this.get('minimumYearsToAssent')) {
* Skip the assent form because the participant is too young to give assent
* @event skipAssentDueToParticipantAge
this.send('setTimeEvent', 'skipAssentDueToParticipantAge');