
File: app/components/exp-lookit-preferential-looking/component.js

import Ember from 'ember';
import layout from './template';
import ExpFrameBaseComponent from '../exp-frame-base/component';
import FullScreen from '../../mixins/full-screen';
import VideoRecord from '../../mixins/video-record';
import ExpandAssets from '../../mixins/expand-assets';
import { audioAssetOptions, videoAssetOptions, imageAssetOptions } from '../../mixins/expand-assets';

let {
} = Ember;

 * @module exp-player
 * @submodule frames-deprecated

* Basic image display for looking measures (e.g. preferential looking, looking time).
* Trial consists of four phases, each of which is optional.
* This is a composite trial very similar to exp-lookit-composite-video-trial except that
* it allows specifying either video stimuli or static images.
* In general it may be simpler to use a combination of exp-lookit-calibration,
* exp-lookit-video, and exp-lookit-images-audio frames.
* 1. Announcement: The audio in announcementAudio is played while the announcementVideo
* video is played centrally, looping as needed. This lasts for announcementLength seconds
* or the duration of the audio, whichever is longer. To skip this phase, set
* announcementLength to 0 and do not provide announcementAudio.
* 2. Intro: The introVideo video is played centrally until it ends. To skip this phase,
* do not provide introVideo.
* 3. Calibration: The video in calibrationVideo is played (looping as needed) in each of
* the locations specified in calibrationPositions in turn, remaining in each position for
* calibrationLength ms. At the start of each position the audio in calibrationAudio is
* played once. (Audio will be paused and restarted if it is longer than calibrationLength.)
* Set calibrationLength to 0 to skip calibration.
* 4. Test: Test images are displayed or the video in testVideo and audio in testAudio (optional) are played until
* either: testLength seconds have elapsed (with video looping if needed), or the video
* has been played testCount times. If testLength is set, it overrides testCount - for
* example if testCount is 1 and testLength is 30, a 10-second video will be played 3 times.
* If the participant pauses the study during the test phase, then after restarting the
* trial, the video in altTestVideo will be used again (defaulting to the same video if
* altTestVideo is not provided).
 * To specify test images, you can provide leftImage, rightImage, and/or centerImage, or you can provide a list of
 * possibleImages and give an index in that list for any of those three placements.
* Specifying media locations:
* For any parameters that expect a list of audio/video sources, you can EITHER provide
* a list of src/type pairs with full paths like this:
            'src': 'http://.../video1.mp4',
            'type': 'video/mp4'
            'src': 'http://.../video1.webm',
            'type': 'video/webm'
* OR you can provide a string 'stub', which will be expanded
* based on the parameter baseDir. Expected audio/video locations will be based on either audioTypes or
* videoTypes as appropriate; images will be expected to all be in an img/ subdirectory.
* For example, if you provide the audio source `intro`,
* and baseDir is ``, with audioTypes `['mp3', 'ogg']`, then this
* will be expanded to:
                            src: '',
                            type: 'audio/mp3'
                            src: '',
                            type: 'audio/ogg'
* This allows you to simplify your JSON document a bit and also easily switch to a
* new version of your stimuli without changing every URL. You can mix source objects with
* full URLs and those using stubs within the same directory. However, any stimuli
* specified using stubs MUST be
* organized as expected under `baseDir/MEDIATYPE/filename.MEDIATYPE`.
* This frame is displayed fullscreen; if the frame before it is not, that frame
* needs to include a manual "next" button so that there's a user interaction
* event to trigger fullscreen mode. (Browsers don't allow us to switch to FS
* without a user event.)
* Example usage:

    "sample-trial": {
        "kind": "exp-lookit-preferential-looking",
        "isLast": false,
        "baseDir": "",
        "leftImage": "stapler_test_02.jpg",
        "testLength": 8,
        "audioTypes": [
        "pauseAudio": "pause",
        "rightImage": "novel_02.jpg",
        "videoTypes": [
        "announcementVideo": "attentiongrabber",
        "announcementAudio": "video_02",
        "introVideo": "cropped_book",
        "testAudio": "400Hz_tones",
        "unpauseAudio": "return_after_pause",
        "calibrationLength": 0,
        "calibrationAudio": "chimes",
        "calibrationVideo": "attentiongrabber",
        "loopTestAudio": false
* ```
* @class Exp-lookit-preferential-looking
* @extends Exp-frame-base
* @uses Full-screen
* @uses Video-record
* @uses Expand-assets
 * @deprecated

export default ExpFrameBaseComponent.extend(FullScreen, VideoRecord, ExpandAssets, {
    layout: layout,
    type: 'exp-lookit-preferential-looking',

    displayFullscreen: true, // force fullscreen for all uses of this component
    fullScreenElementId: 'experiment-player',
    fsButtonID: 'fsButton',

    // Override setting in VideoRecord mixin - only use camera if doing recording
    doUseCamera: Ember.computed.alias('doRecording'),
     * @property {Boolean} startRecordingAutomatically
     * @private
    startRecordingAutomatically: Ember.computed.alias('doRecording'),

    assetsToExpand: {
        'audio': [
        'video': [
        'image': [

    completedAnnouncementAudio: false,
    completedAnnouncementTime: false,

    doingAnnouncement: Ember.computed('videoSources', function() {
        return (this.get('currentTask') === 'announce');

    doingIntro: Ember.computed('videoSources', function() {
        return (this.get('currentTask') === 'intro');

    doingTest: Ember.computed('videoSources', function() {
        return (this.get('currentTask') === 'test');
    testTimer: null, // reference to timer counting how long video has been playing, if time-based limit
    calTimer: null, // reference to timer counting how long calibration segment has played
    announceTimer: null, // reference to timer counting announcement segment

    testTime: 0,
    testVideosTimesPlayed: 0, // how many times the test video has been played, if count-based limit

    skip: false,
    hasBeenPaused: false,
    useAlternate: false,
    currentTask: null, // announce, intro, calibration, or test.
    isPaused: false,

    frameSchemaRequired: ['pauseAudio', 'unpauseAudio'],

    frameSchemaProperties: {
        Array of objects specifying video src and type for test video (these should be the same video, but multiple sources--e.g. mp4 and webm--are generally needed for cross-browser support). If none provided, skip test phase.

        Example value:

        ```[{'src': 'http://.../video1.mp4', 'type': 'video/mp4'}, {'src': 'http://.../video1.webm', 'type': 'video/webm'}]```
        @property {Array} testVideo
            @param {String} src
            @param {String} type
        @default []
        testVideo: {
            anyOf: videoAssetOptions,
            description: 'List of objects specifying video src and type for test videos',
            default: []

        Array of objects specifying video src and type for alternate test video, as for testVideo. Alternate test video will be shown if the first test is paused, after restarting the trial. If alternate test video is also paused, we just move on. If altTestVideo is not provided, defaults to playing same test video again (but still only one pause of test video allowed per trial).
        @property {Array} altTestVideo
            @param {String} src
            @param {String} type
        @default []
        altTestVideo: {
            anyOf: videoAssetOptions,
            description: 'List of objects specifying video src and type for alternate test videos',
            default: []

        Array of objects specifying intro video src and type, as for testVideo.
        If empty, intro segment will be skipped.
        @property {Array} introVideo
            @param {String} src
            @param {String} type
        @default []
        introVideo: {
            anyOf: videoAssetOptions,
            description: 'List of objects specifying intro video src and type',
            default: []

        Array of objects specifying attention-grabber video src and type, as for testVideo. The attention-grabber video is shown (looping) during the announcement phase and when the study is paused.
        @property {Array} announcementVideo
            @param {String} src
            @param {String} type
        @default []
        announcementVideo: {
            anyOf: videoAssetOptions,
            description: 'List of objects specifying attention-grabber video src and type',
            default: []
         * minimum amount of time to show attention-getter in seconds. Announcement phase (attention-getter plus audio) will last the minimum of announcementLength and the duration of any announcement audio.
         * @property {Number} announcementLength
         * @default 2
        announcementLength: {
            type: 'number',
            description: 'minimum duration of announcement phase in seconds',
            default: 2
        List of objects specifying intro announcement src and type. If empty and minimum announcementLength is 0, announcement is skipped.
        Example: `[{'src': 'http://.../audio1.mp3', 'type': 'audio/mp3'}, {'src': 'http://.../audio1.ogg', 'type': 'audio/ogg'}]`
        @property {Array} announcementAudio
            @param {String} src
            @param {String} type
        @default []
        announcementAudio: {
            anyOf: audioAssetOptions,
            description: 'List of objects specifying intro announcement audio src and type',
            default: []

         * URL of image to show on left, if any. Can be a full URL or a
         * stub that will be appended to `baseDir` + `img/` (see
         * baseDir).
         * @property {String} leftImage
        leftImage: {
            anyOf: imageAssetOptions,
            description: 'URL of image to show on left'
         * URL of image to show on right, if any. Can be a full URL or a
         * stub that will be appended to `baseDir` + `img/` (see
         * baseDir).
         * @property {String} rightImage
        rightImage: {
            anyOf: imageAssetOptions,
            description: 'URL of image to show on left'

         * List of possible images that may be shown. Can be full URLs or
         * stubs that will be appended to `baseDir` + `img/` (see
         * baseDir). If leftImageIndex, rightImageIndex, and/or centerImageIndex
         * are provided, they indicate the index of the item in this list.
         * @property {String} possibleImages
        possibleImages: {
            type: 'array',
            description: 'list of possible images to use for centerImage, leftImage, rightImage',
            default: [],
            items: {
                anyOf: imageAssetOptions

         * Index in possibleImages for image to use on left. This will be overridden
         * by any actual value provided for leftImage. Index must be in range
         * [0, len(possibleImages)]. Omit or -1 not to use.
         * @property {String} leftImageIndex
        leftImageIndex: {
            type: 'integer',
            description: 'index in possibleImages for image to use on left.',
            default: -1

         * Index in possibleImages for image to use on right. This will be overridden
         * by any actual value provided for rightImage. Index must be in range
         * [0, len(possibleImages)].  Omit or -1 not to use.
         * @property {String} rightImageIndex
        rightImageIndex: {
            type: 'integer',
            description: 'index in possibleImages for image to use on right.',
            default: -1

         * Index in possibleImages for center image. This will be overridden
         * by any actual value provided for centerImage. Index must be in range
         * [0, len(possibleImages)].  Omit or -1 not to use.
         * @property {String} centerImageIndex
        centerImageIndex: {
            type: 'integer',
            description: 'index in possibleImages for image to use on center.',
            default: -1
         * URL of image to show at center, if any. Can be a full URL or
         * a stub that will be appended to `baseDir` + `img/` (see
         * baseDir).
         * @property {String} centerImage
        centerImage: {
            anyOf: imageAssetOptions,
            description: 'URL of image to show on left'

        List of objects specifying test audio src and type, as for announcementAudio.
        If empty, no additional test audio is played besides any audio in testVideo.
        @param testAudio
        @property {Array} testAudio
            @param {String} src
            @param {String} type
        @default []
        testAudio: {
            anyOf: audioAssetOptions,
            description: 'List of objects specifying music audio src and type',
            default: []

        Whether test audio should loop
        @property {boolean} loopTestAudio
        @default true
        loopTestAudio: {
            type: 'boolean',
            description: 'Whether test audio should loop',
            default: true

        Whether to allow participant to pause study during test. If no, study still
        pauses but upon unpausing moves to next trial. If yes, study restarts from
        beginning upon unpausing (with alternate sources).
        @property {boolean} allowPauseDuringTest
        @default true
        allowPauseDuringTest: {
            type: 'boolean',
            description: 'Whether to allow participant to pause study during test',
            default: true

        Length to loop test videos, in seconds. Set if you want a time-based limit. E.g., setting testLength to 20 means that the first 20 seconds of the video will be played, with shorter videos looping until they get to 20s. Leave out or set to Infinity  to play the video through to the end a set number of times instead. If a testLength is set, it overrides any value set in testCount.
        @property {Number} testLength
        @default Infinity
        testLength: {
            type: 'number',
            description: 'Length of test videos in seconds',
            default: Infinity,
            minimum: 0

        Number of times to play test video before moving on. This is ignored if
        testLength is set to a finite value.
        @property {Number} testCount
        @default 1
        testCount: {
            type: 'integer',
            description: 'Number of times to play test video',
            default: 1,
            minimum: 0

        Whether to do any video recording during this frame. Default true. Set to false for e.g. last frame where just doing an announcement.
        @property {Boolean} doRecording
        @default true
        doRecording: {
            type: 'boolean',
            description: 'Whether to do video recording',
            default: true
         * length of single calibration segment in ms. 0 to skip calibration.
         * @property {Number} calibrationLength
         * @default 3000
        calibrationLength: {
            type: 'number',
            description: 'length of single calibration segment in ms',
            default: 3000,
            minimum: 0
         * Ordered list of positions to show calibration segment in. Options are
         * "center", "left", "right". Ignored if calibrationLength is 0.
         * @property {Array} calibrationPositions
         * @default ["center", "left", "right", "center"]
        calibrationPositions: {
            type: 'array',
            description: 'Ordered list of positions to show calibration',
            default: ['center', 'left', 'right', 'center'],
            items: {
                type: 'string',
                enum: ['center', 'left', 'right']
         * Sources Array of {src: 'url', type: 'MIMEtype'} objects for
         * calibration audio (played at each calibration position).
         * Ignored if calibrationLength is 0.
         * @property {Object[]} calibrationAudio
         * @default []
        calibrationAudio: {
            anyOf: audioAssetOptions,
            description: 'list of objects specifying audio src and type for calibration audio',
            default: []
         * Sources Array of {src: 'url', type: 'MIMEtype'} objects for
         * calibration video (played from start at each calibration position).
         * Ignored if calibrationLength is 0.
         * @property {Object[]} calibrationVideo
         * @default []
        calibrationVideo: {
            anyOf: videoAssetOptions,
            description: 'list of objects specifying video src and type for calibration audio',
            default: []
         * Sources Array of {src: 'url', type: 'MIMEtype'} objects for
         * audio played upon pausing study
         * @property {Object[]} pauseAudio
         * @default []
        pauseAudio: {
            anyOf: audioAssetOptions,
            description: 'List of objects specifying audio src and type for audio played when pausing study',
            default: []
         * Sources Array of {src: 'url', type: 'MIMEtype'} objects for
         * audio played upon unpausing study. Unpausing audio will always be played
         * before proceeding to next trial, even if this trial will not be redone
         * (e.g. because it was paused during test and allowPauseDuringTest is
         * set to false)
         * @property {Object[]} unpauseAudio
         * @default []
        unpauseAudio: {
            anyOf: audioAssetOptions,
            description: 'List of objects specifying audio src and type for audio played when unpausing study',
            default: []
         * Text to show under "Study paused / Press space to resume" when study is paused.
         * Default: (You'll have a moment to turn around again.)
         * @property {String} pauseText
         * @default []

        pauseText: {
            type: 'string',
            description: 'Text to show under Study paused when study is paused.',
            default: '(You\'ll have a moment to turn around again.)'

    meta: {
        data: {
            type: 'object',
            properties: {
                * Sources of videos (potentially) shown during this trial: [source of test video, source of alternate test video].
                * @attribute videosShown
                videosShown: {
                    type: 'string',
                    default: []
                videoId: {
                    type: 'string'
                * URL of image shown on right (given as a property of the frame)
                * @attribute rightImage
                rightImage: {
                    type: 'string'
                * URL of image shown on left (given as a property of the frame)
                * @attribute leftImage
                leftImage: {
                    type: 'string'
                * URL of image shown at center (given as a property of the frame)
                * @attribute centerImage
                centerImage: {
                    type: 'string'
                * seconds to display images/loop videos (given as a property of the frame), if using time-based limit
                * @attribute testLength
                testLength: {
                    type: 'number'
                * test audio file played, if any
                * @attribute testAudio
                testAudio: {
                    type: 'string'
                * location of stimuli
                * @attribute baseDir
                baseDir: {
                    type: 'string'
            // No fields are required

    videoSources: Ember.computed('isPaused', 'currentTask', 'useAlternate', function() {
        if (this.get('isPaused')) {
            return this.get('announcementVideo_parsed');
        } else {
            switch (this.get('currentTask')) {
            case 'announce':
                return this.get('announcementVideo_parsed');
            case 'intro':
                return this.get('introVideo_parsed');
            case 'test':
                if (this.get('useAlternate')) {
                    if (this.get('altTestVideo').length) {
                        return this.get('altTestVideo_parsed');
                    } else { // default to playing same test video again
                        return this.get('sources_parsed');
                } else {
                    return this.get('testVideo_parsed');
        return [];

    shouldLoop: Ember.computed('videoSources', function() {
        return (this.get('isPaused') || (this.get('currentTask') === 'announce' || this.get('currentTask') === 'test'));

    onFullscreen() {
        if (this.get('isDestroyed')) {
        if (!this.checkFullscreen()) {
            if (!this.get('isPaused')) {

    actions: {

        announcementEnded() {
            this.set('completedAnnouncementAudio', true);
            if (this.get('completedAnnouncementTime')) {
                this.set('currentTask', 'intro');

        announcementStarted() { // make sure that audio complete flag is reset when starting -
            // mysteriously set to true when starting, possibly due to reloading counting as
            // ended event
            this.set('completedAnnouncementAudio', false);

        videoStarted() {
            if (this.get('currentTask') === 'test' && !this.get('isPaused')) {
                if (this.get('useStaticTestStimuli')) {
                    this.send('setTimeEvent', 'startTestImages');
                    if ($('audio#exp-music').length) {

                } else {
                    // Check that we haven't played it enough times already
                    this.set('testVideosTimesPlayed', this.get('testVideosTimesPlayed') + 1);
                    if ((this.get('testVideosTimesPlayed') > this.get('testCount')) && (this.get('testLength') === Infinity)) {
                    } else {
                        if (this.get('testTime') === 0) {
                        if ($('audio#exp-music').length) {
                        if (this.get('useAlternate')) {
                            this.send('setTimeEvent', 'startAlternateVideo');
                        } else {
                            this.send('setTimeEvent', 'startTestVideo');

        videoStopped() {
            var currentTask = this.get('currentTask');
            if (this.get('testTime') >= this.get('testLength')) {
            } else if (this.get('shouldLoop')) {
                this.set('_lastTime', 0);
            } else {
                this.send('setTimeEvent', 'videoStopped', {
                if (this.get('currentTask') === 'intro') {
                    this.set('currentTask', 'calibration');

        finish() { // Move to next frame altogether
            // Call this something separate from test because stopRecorder promise needs to
            // call next AFTER recording is stopped and we don't want this to have already
            // been destroyed at that point.
            this.set('testTime', 0);
            this.set('testVideosTimesPlayed', 0);
            this.set('completedAnnouncementAudio', false);
            this.set('completedAnnouncementTime', false);
            if ($('audio#exp-music').length) {
            var _this = this;
            if (this.get('doRecording')) {
                this.stopRecorder().then(() => {
                    _this.set('stoppedRecording', true);
                }, () => {
            } else {

    segmentObserver:'currentTask', function(frame) {
        Ember.$('video').each(function () {
        if (frame.get('currentTask') === 'announce') {
        } else if (frame.get('currentTask') === 'intro') {
        } else if (frame.get('currentTask') === 'calibration') {
        } else if (frame.get('currentTask') === 'test') {
            // Skip test phase if no videos or images provided
            if (!frame.get('testVideo').length) {
                if (!frame.get('leftImage') && !frame.get('rightImage') && !frame.get('centerImage')) {
                } else {
                    frame.set('useStaticTestStimuli', true);

    startAnnouncement() {

        // Skip if no announcement audio provided
        if (!this.get('isPaused') && !this.get('announcementAudio').length && this.get('announcementLength') === 0) {
        if (!this.get('announcementAudio').length) { // Audio counts as complete if none provided
            this.set('completedAnnouncementAudio', true);
        this.send('setTimeEvent', 'startAnnouncement');
        // Actual starting audio is handled by autoplay on the template.
        var _this = this; // Require at least announcementLength duration of announcement phase
        this.set('announceTimer', window.setTimeout(function() {
            _this.set('completedAnnouncementTime', true);
            if (_this.get('completedAnnouncementAudio')) {
                _this.set('currentTask', 'intro');
        }, _this.get('announcementLength') * 1000));

    startIntro() {
        if (this.get('skip')) { // If we need to skip because both test & alternate have been used
        if (!this.get('isPaused')) {
            this.send('setTimeEvent', 'startIntro');
            // If no intro video provided, skip intro.
            if (!this.get('introVideo').length) {
                this.set('currentTask', 'calibration');

    startCalibration() {
        var _this = this;

        // First check whether any calibration video provided. If not, skip.
        if (!this.get('calibrationLength')) {
            this.set('currentTask', 'test');

        var calAudio = $('#player-calibration-audio')[0];
        var calVideo = $('#player-calibration-video')[0];

        // Show the calibration segment at center, left, right, center, each
        // time recording an event and playing the calibration audio.
        var doCalibrationSegments = function(calList, lastLoc) {
            if (calList.length === 0) {
                _this.set('currentTask', 'test');
            } else {
                var thisLoc = calList.shift();
                 * Start of EACH calibration segment
                 * @event startCalibration
                 * @param {String} location location of calibration ball, relative to child: 'left', 'right', or 'center'
                _this.send('setTimeEvent', 'startCalibration',
                    {location: thisLoc});

                calVideo.currentTime = 0;
                _this.set('calTimer', window.setTimeout(function() {
                    doCalibrationSegments(calList, thisLoc);
                }, _this.get('calibrationLength')));

        doCalibrationSegments(this.get('calibrationPositions').slice(), '');


    setTestTimer() {
        this.set('testTime', 0);
        this.set('_lastTime', 0);
        var _this = this;

        var testLength = this.get('testLength');

        if (this.get('useStaticTestStimuli')) {
            this.set('testTimer', window.setTimeout(() => {
            }, testLength * 1000));
        } else {
            this.set('testTimer', window.setInterval(() => {
                var videoTime = this.$('#player-video')[0].currentTime;
                var lastTime = this.get('_lastTime');
                var diff = videoTime - lastTime;
                this.set('_lastTime', videoTime);

                var testTime = this.get('testTime');
                if ((testTime + diff) >= (testLength - 0.02)) {
                } else {
                    this.set('testTime', testTime + diff);
            }, 100));

    pauseStudy(pause) { // only called in FS mode, () => {
            try {
                this.set('hasBeenPaused', true);
            } catch (_) {
            var wasPaused = this.get('isPaused');
            var currentState = this.get('currentTask');

            if (!pause && wasPaused) { // Currently paused: restart
                this.set('isPaused', false);
                // reset announcement to start

                if (currentState === 'test') {
                    if (this.get('allowPauseDuringTest')) {
                        if (this.get('useAlternate')) {
                            this.set('skip', true);
                        this.set('useAlternate', true);
                    } else {
                        this.set('skip', true);

                if (this.get('currentTask') === 'announce') {
                    // if task isn't changing, won't trigger announcement start naturally
                this.set('currentTask', 'announce');

            } else if (pause || !wasPaused) { // Not currently paused: pause
                this.set('completedAnnouncementAudio', false);
                this.set('completedAnnouncementTime', false);
                this.set('testTime', 0);
                this.set('testVideosTimesPlayed', 0);
                this.send('setTimeEvent', 'pauseVideo', {
                    currentTask: this.get('currentTask')
                $('#player-calibration-video').removeClass(this.get('calibrationPositions').join(' '));
                if ($('audio#exp-music').length) {
                    $('audio#exp-music')[0].currentTime = 0;
                this.set('isPaused', true);

    // Utility to play audio object
    playAudio(audioObj) {
        audioObj.currentTime = 0;;
        // var _this = this;
        //.then(() => {}).catch(() => { this.playAudio(audioObj); });

    didInsertElement() {


        // Replace leftImage, rightImage, centerImage if appropriate
        if (this.get('possibleImages').length) {
            if (!this.get('leftImage') && this.get('leftImageIndex') != -1) {
                this.set('leftImage', this.get('possibleImages')[this.get('leftImageIndex')]);
            if (!this.get('rightImage') && this.get('rightImageIndex') != -1) {
                this.set('rightImage', this.get('possibleImages')[this.get('rightImageIndex')]);
            if (!this.get('centerImage') && this.get('centerImageIndex') != -1) {
                this.set('centerImage', this.get('possibleImages')[this.get('centerImageIndex')]);
        this.expandAssets(); // manually re-trigger because we've added new things to parse

        $(document).on('keyup.pauser', (e) => {
            if (this.checkFullscreen()) {
                if (e.which === 32) { // space: pause/unpause study

        if (this.get('testVideo').length) {
            this.set('videosShown', [this.get('testVideo')[0].src, this.get('altTestVideo')[0].src]);
        } else {
            this.set('videosShown', []);
        this.set('currentTask', 'announce');

    willDestroyElement() { // remove event handler