
File: app/components/exp-lookit-geometry-alternation/component.js

import Ember from 'ember';
import layout from './template';
import ExpFrameBaseComponent from '../exp-frame-base/component';
import FullScreen from '../../mixins/full-screen';
import VideoRecord from '../../mixins/video-record';
import ExpandAssets from '../../mixins/expand-assets';
import { audioAssetOptions, videoAssetOptions } from '../../mixins/expand-assets';
import { observer } from '@ember/object';

let {
} = Ember;

 * @module exp-player
 * @submodule frames-deprecated

 * This frame is a bespoke frame for a beta tester. It is deprecated and will not be
 * included in release 2.x. For new studies, use {{#crossLink "Exp-lookit-change-detection"}}{{/crossLink}} instead.
 * Frame to implement specific test trial structure for geometry alternation
 * experiment. Includes announcement, calibration, and alternation (test)
 * phases. During "alternation," two streams of triangles are shown, in
 * rectangles on the left and right of the screen: one one side both size and
 * shape change, on the other only size changes. Frame is displayed fullscreen
 * and video recording is conducted during calibration/test.
 * The geometry randomizer generates a series of ExpLookitGeometryAlternation
 * frames.
 * This frame is displayed fullscreen; if the frame before it is not, that frame
 * needs to include a manual "next" button so that there's a user interaction
 * event to trigger fullscreen mode. (Browsers don't allow us to switch to FS
 * without a user event.)
 * Specifying media locations:
 * For any parameters that expect a list of audio/video sources, you can EITHER provide
 * a list of src/type pairs with full paths like this:
            'src': 'http://.../video1.mp4',
            'type': 'video/mp4'
            'src': 'http://.../video1.webm',
            'type': 'video/webm'
 * OR you can provide a single string 'stub', which will be expanded
 * based on the parameter baseDir and the media types expected - either audioTypes or
 * videoTypes as appropriate. For example, if you provide the audio source `intro`
 * and baseDir is, with audioTypes ['mp3', 'ogg'], then this
 * will be expanded to:
                             src: '',
                             type: 'audio/mp3'
                             src: '',
                             type: 'audio/ogg'
 * This allows you to simplify your JSON document a bit and also easily switch to a
 * new version of your stimuli without changing every URL. You can mix source objects with
 * full URLs and those using stubs within the same directory. However, any stimuli
 * specified using stubs MUST be
 * organized as expected under baseDir/MEDIATYPE/filename.MEDIATYPE.
 * Example usage:

 "frames": {
    "alt-trial": {
        "kind": "exp-lookit-geometry-alternation",
        "triangleLineWidth": 8,
        "baseDir": "",
        "videoTypes": ["mp4", "webm"],
        "audioTypes": ["mp3", "ogg"],
        "calibrationVideoSources": "attention",
        "trialLength": 60,
        "attnLength": 10,
        "calibrationLength": 3000,
        "fsAudio": "fullscreen",
        "triangleColor": "#056090",
        "unpauseAudio": "return_after_pause",
        "pauseAudio": "pause",
        "videoSources": "attentiongrabber",
        "musicSources": "happy-stroll",
        "calibrationAudioSources": "chimes",
        "altOnLeft": true,
        "context": true,
        "audioSources": "video_01",
        "endAudioSources": "all_done"

 * ```
 * @class Exp-lookit-geometry-alternation
 * @extends Exp-frame-base
 * @uses Full-screen
 * @uses Video-record
 * @uses Expand-assets
 * @deprecated

export default ExpFrameBaseComponent.extend(FullScreen, VideoRecord, ExpandAssets, {

    type: 'exp-lookit-geometry-alternation',
    layout: layout,
    displayFullscreen: true, // force fullscreen for all uses of this component
    fullScreenElementId: 'experiment-player',
    fsButtonID: 'fsButton',

    // Track state of experiment
    completedAudio: false,
    completedAttn: false,
    currentSegment: 'intro', // 'calibration', 'test' (mutually exclusive)

    // Override setting in VideoRecord mixin - only use camera if doing recording
    doUseCamera: Ember.computed.alias('doRecording'),
    startRecordingAutomatically: Ember.computed.alias('doRecording'),

    recordingStarted: false,

    assetsToExpand: {
        'audio': [
        'video': [
        'image': [

    readyToStartCalibration: Ember.computed('recordingStarted', 'completedAudio', 'completedAttn',
        function() {
            if (this.get('session').get('recorder')) {
                if (this.get('session').get('recorder').get('recording')) {
                    return true;
            return (this.get('recordingStarted') && this.get('completedAudio') && this.get('completedAttn'));

    // used only by template
    doingCalibration: Ember.computed('currentSegment', function() {
        return (this.get('currentSegment') === 'calibration');
    doingIntro: Ember.computed('currentSegment', function() {
        return (this.get('currentSegment') === 'intro');

    isPaused: false,
    hasBeenPaused: false,

    // Timers for intro & stimuli
    introTimer: null, // minimum length of intro segment
    stimTimer: null,

    // Store data about triangles to show, display lengths, etc. in frame
    settings: null,
    triangleBases: null,

    frameSchemaProperties: {
         * Whether to do webcam recording on this frame
         * @property {Boolean} doRecording
        doRecording: {
            type: 'boolean',
            description: 'Whether to do webcam recording',
            default: true
         * True to use big fat triangle as context figure, or false to use small skinny triangle as context.
         * @property {Boolean} context
         * @default true
        context: {
            type: 'boolean',
            description: 'True to use big fat triangle as context, or false to use small skinny triangle as context.',
            default: true
         * Whether to put the shape+size alternating stream on the left (other stream alternates only in size)
         * @property {Boolean} altOnLeft
         * @default true
        altOnLeft: {
            type: 'boolean',
            description: 'Whether to put the shape+size alternating stream on the left.',
            default: true
         * color of triangle outline (3 or 6 char hex, starting with #)
         * @property {String} triangleColor
         * @default '#056090'
        triangleColor: {
            type: 'string',
            description: 'color of triangle outline (3 or 6 char hex, starting with #)',
            default: '#056090'
         * triangle line width in pixels
         * @property {Integer} triangleLineWidth
         * @default 5
        triangleLineWidth: {
            type: 'integer',
            description: 'triangle line width in pixels',
            default: 5
         * minimum amount of time to show attention-getter in seconds
         * @property {Number} attnLength
         * @default 5
        attnLength: {
            type: 'number',
            description: 'minimum amount of time to show attention-getter in seconds',
            default: 5
         * length of alternation trial in seconds
         * @property {Number} trialLength
         * @default 6
        trialLength: {
            type: 'number',
            description: 'length of alternation trial in seconds',
            default: 6
         * length of single calibration segment in ms
         * @property {Number} calibrationLength
         * @default 3000
        calibrationLength: {
            type: 'number',
            description: 'length of single calibration segment in ms',
            default: 3000
         * Sources Array of {src: 'url', type: 'MIMEtype'} objects for
         * instructions during attention-getter video
         * @property {Object[]} audioSources
        audioSources: {
            oneOf: audioAssetOptions,
            description: 'List of objects specifying audio src and type for instructions during attention-getter video',
            default: []
         * Sources Array of {src: 'url', type: 'MIMEtype'} objects for
         * music during trial
         * @property {Object[]} musicSources
        musicSources: {
            oneOf: audioAssetOptions,
            description: 'List of objects specifying audio src and type for music during trial',
            default: []
         * Sources Array of {src: 'url', type: 'MIMEtype'} objects for
         * audio after completion of trial (optional; used for last
         * trial "okay to open your eyes now" announcement)
         * @property {Object[]} endAudioSources
        endAudioSources: {
            oneOf: audioAssetOptions,
            description: 'Supply this to play audio at the end of the trial; list of objects specifying audio src and type',
            default: []
         * Sources Array of {src: 'url', type: 'MIMEtype'} objects for
         * calibration audio (played 4 times during calibration)
         * @property {Object[]} calibrationAudioSources
        calibrationAudioSources: {
            oneOf: audioAssetOptions,
            description: 'list of objects specifying audio src and type for calibration audio',
            default: []
         * Sources Array of {src: 'url', type: 'MIMEtype'} objects for
         * calibration video (played from start 4 times during
         * calibration)
         * @property {Object[]} calibrationVideoSources
        calibrationVideoSources: {
            oneOf: videoAssetOptions,
            description: 'list of objects specifying video src and type for calibration video',
            default: []
         * Sources Array of {src: 'url', type: 'MIMEtype'} objects for
         * attention-getter video (should be loopable)
         * @property {Object[]} videoSources
        videoSources: {
            oneOf: videoAssetOptions,
            description: 'List of objects specifying video src and type for attention-getter video',
            default: []
         * Sources Array of {src: 'url', type: 'MIMEtype'} objects for
         * audio played upon pausing study
         * @property {Object[]} pauseAudio
        pauseAudio: {
            oneOf: audioAssetOptions,
            description: 'List of objects specifying audio src and type for audio played when pausing study',
            default: []
         * Sources Array of {src: 'url', type: 'MIMEtype'} objects for
         * audio played upon unpausing study
         * @property {Object[]} unpauseAudio
        unpauseAudio: {
            oneOf: audioAssetOptions,
            description: 'List of objects specifying audio src and type for audio played when pausing study',
            default: []
         * Sources Array of {src: 'url', type: 'MIMEtype'} objects for
         * audio played when study is paused due to not being fullscreen
         * @property {Object[]} fsAudio
        fsAudio: {
            oneOf: audioAssetOptions,
            description: 'List of objects specifying audio src and type for audio played when pausing study if study is not fullscreen',
            default: []

    meta: {
        data: {
            type: 'object',
            properties: {
                * True to use big fat triangle as context figure, or false to use small skinny triangle as context. [same as passed to this frame]
                * @attribute context
                context: {
                    type: 'boolean'
                * Whether to put the shape+size alternating stream on the left (other stream alternates only in size) [same as passed to this frame]
                * @attribute altOnLeft
                altOnLeft: {
                    type: 'boolean'
                videoId: {
                    type: 'string'
                * whether this trial was paused
                * @attribute hasBeenPaused
                hasBeenPaused: {
                    type: 'boolean'

    calObserver: observer('readyToStartCalibration', function(frame) {
        if (frame.get('readyToStartCalibration') && frame.get('currentSegment') === 'intro') {
            if (!frame.checkFullscreen()) {
            } else {
                frame.set('currentSegment', 'calibration');

    segmentObserver: observer('currentSegment', function(frame) {
        // Don't trigger starting intro; that'll be done manually.
        if (frame.get('currentSegment') === 'calibration') {
        } else if (frame.get('currentSegment') === 'test') {

    actions: {
        // When intro audio is complete
        endAudio() {
            this.set('completedAudio', true);

        finish() {

            // Call this something separate from next because stopRecorder promise needs
            // to call next AFTER recording is stopped and we don't want this to have
            // already been destroyed at that point.
             * Just before stopping webcam video capture
             * @event stoppingCapture
            var _this = this;
            this.stopRecorder().then(() => {
                _this.set('stoppedRecording', true);
            }, () => {



    startIntro() {
        // Allow pausing during intro
        var _this = this;
        $(document).on('keyup.pauser', function(e) {_this.handleSpace(e, _this);});

        // Start placeholder video right away
         * Immediately before starting intro/announcement segment
         * @event startIntro
        this.send('setTimeEvent', 'startIntro');

        // Set a timer for the minimum length for the intro/break
        this.set('introTimer', window.setTimeout(function() {
            _this.set('completedAttn', true);
        }, _this.get('attnLength') * 1000));


    startCalibration() {
        var _this = this;

        // Don't allow pausing during calibration/test.

        var calAudio = $('#player-calibration-audio')[0];
        var calVideo = $('#player-calibration-video')[0];

        // Show the calibration segment at center, left, right, center, each
        // time recording an event and playing the calibration audio.
        var doCalibrationSegments = function(calList, lastLoc) {
            if (calList.length === 0) {
                _this.set('currentSegment', 'test');
            } else {
                var thisLoc = calList.shift();
                 * Start of EACH calibration segment
                 * @event startCalibration
                 * @param {String} location location of calibration ball, relative to child: 'left', 'right', or 'center'
                _this.send('setTimeEvent', 'startCalibration',
                    {location: thisLoc});
                calAudio.currentTime = 0;
                calVideo.currentTime = 0;
                window.setTimeout(function() {
                    doCalibrationSegments(calList, thisLoc);
                }, _this.settings.calLength);

        doCalibrationSegments(['center', 'left', 'right', 'center'], '');


    startTrial() {

        var _this = this;
         * Immediately before starting test trial segment
         * @event startTestTrial
        _this.send('setTimeEvent', 'startTestTrial');

        // Begin playing music; fade in and set to fade out at end of trial
        var $musicPlayer = $('#player-music');
        $musicPlayer.prop('volume', 0.1);
        $musicPlayer.animate({volume: 1}, _this.settings.musicFadeLength);
        window.setTimeout(function() {
            $musicPlayer.animate({volume: 0}, _this.settings.musicFadeLength);
        }, _this.settings.trialLength * 1000 - _this.settings.musicFadeLength);

        // Start presenting triangles and set to stop after trial length
        window.setTimeout(function() {
        }, _this.settings.trialLength * 1000);

    // When triangles have been shown for time indicated: play end-audio if
    // present, or just move on.
    endTrial() {
        if (this.get('endAudioSources').length) {
        } else {

    getRandomElement(arr) {
        return arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)];

    getRandom(min, max) {
        return Math.random() * (max - min) + min;

    drawTriangles(Lshape, LX, LY, LRot, LFlip, LSize, Rshape, RX, RY, RRot, RFlip, RSize) {
         * records EACH triangle presentation during test trial
         * @event videoStreamConnection
         * @param {String} Lshape shape of left triangle: 'skinny' or 'fat'
         * @param {String} Rshape shape of right triangle: 'skinny' or 'fat'
         * @param {Number} LX Horizontal offset of left triangle from rectangle center, in units where rectangle width = 70; positive = to right
         * @param {Number} LY Vertical offset of left triangle from rectangle center, in units where rectangle height = 100.8; positive = down
         * @param {Number} RX Horizontal offset of right triangle from rectangle center, in units where screen width = 200 and rectangle width = 70; positive = to right
         * @param {Number} RY Vertical offset of right triangle from rectangle center, in units where rectangle height = 100.8; positive = down
         * @param {Number} LRot rotation of left triangle in degrees. 0 degrees has long side horizontal and 15 degree angle (skinny triangle) or 60 degree angle (fat triangle) on left.
         * @param {Number} RRot rotation of right triangle in degrees. 0 degrees has long side horizontal and 15 degree angle (skinny triangle) or 60 degree angle (fat triangle) on left.
         * @param {Number} LFlip whether left triangle is flipped (1 = no, -1 = yes)
         * @param {Number} RFlip whether right triangle is flipped (1 = no, -1 = yes)
         * @param {Number} LSize size of left triangle, relative to standard ('standard' sizes are set so that areas of skinny & fat triangles are equal), in terms of side length (e.g. for a rectangle, 2 would mean take a 1x3 rectangle and make it a 2x6 rectangle, quadrupling the area)
         * @param {Number} RSize size of right triangle, relative to standard ('standard' sizes are set so that areas of skinny & fat triangles are equal), in terms of side length (e.g. for a rectangle, 2 would mean take a 1x3 rectangle and make it a 2x6 rectangle, quadrupling the area)
        this.send('setTimeEvent', 'presentTriangles', {
            Lshape: Lshape,
            LX: LX,
            LY: LY,
            LRot: LRot,
            LFlip: LFlip,
            LSize: LSize,
            Rshape: Rshape,
            RX: RX,
            RY: RY,
            RRot: RRot,
            RFlip: RFlip,
            RSize: RSize

        var leftTriangle = `${this.triangleBases[Lshape]}
            transform=" translate(${LX}, ${LY})
                        translate(37.5, 56)
                        scale(${LFlip * LSize})
                        scale(${LFlip, 1})" />`;
        var rightTriangle = `${this.triangleBases[Rshape]}
            transform=" translate(${RX}, ${RY})
                        translate(162.5, 56)
                        scale(${RFlip, 1})" />`;
        $('#stimuli').html(leftTriangle + rightTriangle);

    clearTriangles() {
         * Records each time triangles are cleared from display
         * @event clearTriangles
        this.send('setTimeEvent', 'clearTriangles');

    presentTriangles(Lshapes, Rshapes, LsizeBase, RsizeBase) {
        // select X and Y positions for each shape
        var LX = this.getRandom(this.settings.XRange[0],
        var RX = this.getRandom(this.settings.XRange[0],
        var LY = this.getRandom(this.settings.YRange[0],
        var RY = this.getRandom(this.settings.YRange[0],
        // select rotation, flip, size per shape
        var LRot = this.getRandom(this.settings.rotRange[0],
        var RRot = this.getRandom(this.settings.rotRange[0],
        var LFlip = this.getRandomElement(this.settings.flipVals);
        var RFlip = this.getRandomElement(this.settings.flipVals);
        var LSize = this.getRandom(this.settings.sizeRange[0],
            this.settings.sizeRange[1]) * LsizeBase[0];
        var RSize = this.getRandom(this.settings.sizeRange[0],
            this.settings.sizeRange[1]) * RsizeBase[0];

        var _this = this;
        _this.set('stimTimer', window.setTimeout(function() {
            _this.drawTriangles(Lshapes[0], LX, LY, LRot, LFlip, LSize,
                Rshapes[0], RX, RY, RRot, RFlip, RSize);
            _this.set('stimTimer', window.setTimeout(function() {
                _this.presentTriangles(Lshapes.reverse(), Rshapes.reverse(),
                    LsizeBase.reverse(), RsizeBase.reverse());
            }, _this.settings.msTriangles));
        }, _this.settings.msBlank));

    handleSpace(event, frame) {
        if (frame.checkFullscreen() || !frame.isPaused) {
            if (event.which === 32) { // space

    // Pause/unpause study; only called if doing intro.
    pauseStudy() {

        $('#player-audio')[0].currentTime = 0;
        $('#player-pause-audio')[0].currentTime = 0;
        $('#player-pause-audio-leftfs')[0].currentTime = 0;

        this.set('completedAudio', false);
        this.set('completedAttn', false);, () => {
            this.set('hasBeenPaused', true);
            var wasPaused = this.get('isPaused');
            this.set('currentSegment', 'intro');

            // Currently paused: RESUME
            if (wasPaused) {
                this.set('isPaused', false);
            } else { // Not currently paused: PAUSE
                if (this.checkFullscreen()) {
                } else {
                this.set('isPaused', true);


    didInsertElement() {

        // Define basic properties for two triangle shapes used. It would be
        // more natural to define these in the template, and then use the
        // <use xlink:href="#name" .../> syntax to transform them as
        // appropriate, but although this worked fine on experimenter I couldn't
        // get the links working on lookit. The code was correctly generated,
        // but while a direct use of polygon showed up, nothing that used
        // xlink:href showed up at all (even when hard-coded into the template).
        // Possibly related to issues like
        // --kim

        this.set('triangleBases', {
            'fat': `<polygon stroke="${this.get('triangleColor')}"
                     points="-12.1369327415 ,  -5.63277008813,
                              14.5176215029 ,  -5.63277008813,
                              -2.38068876146 ,  11.2655401763"
            'skinny': `<polygon stroke="${this.get('triangleColor')}"
                     points="-27.5259468096 ,  -3.25208132666,
                              18.6410953948 ,  -3.25208132666,
                               8.88485141479 ,  6.50416265333"


        // COUNTERBALANCING (2x2):
        // context: whether to use big fat triangle or
        // small skinny triangle as context figure. If 'fat', contrasts are
        // big fat/small fat and big fat/small skinny. If 'skinny', contrasts
        // are big skinny/small skinny and big fat/small skinny.
        // altOnLeft: whether to put size-and-shape alteration on left

        var diffShapes;
        var sameShapes;
        var shapeSizes;
        if (this.get('context')) {
            sameShapes = ['fat']; // context: big fat triangle
            shapeSizes = [1, 0.7071]; // big fat vs. small fat/small skinny
            // sqrt(0.5) = 0.7071, to get factor of two difference in area
            diffShapes = ['fat', 'skinny']; // start with context
        } else {
            sameShapes = ['skinny']; // context: small skinny triangle
            shapeSizes = [0.7071, 1]; // small skinny vs. big skinny/big fat
            diffShapes = ['skinny', 'fat']; // start with context

        var Lshapes;
        var Rshapes;
        if (this.get('altOnLeft')) {
            Lshapes = diffShapes;
            Rshapes = sameShapes;
        } else {
            Lshapes = sameShapes;
            Rshapes = diffShapes;

        this.set('settings', {
            msBlank: 300,
            msTriangles: 500,
            LsizeBaseStart: shapeSizes,
            RsizeBaseStart: shapeSizes.slice(),
            XRange: [-3.125, 3.125],
            YRange: [-3.125, 3.125],
            rotRange: [0, 360],
            flipVals: [-1, 1],
            sizeRange: [0.921954, 1.072381], // 15% by AREA: sqrt(0.85), sqrt(1.15)
            trialLength: this.get('trialLength'),
            LshapesStart: Lshapes,
            RshapesStart: Rshapes,
            musicFadeLength: 2000,
            calLength: this.get('calibrationLength')});


    willDestroyElement() { // remove event handler

    // Override to do a bit extra when starting recording
    onRecordingStarted() {
        this.set('recordingStarted', true);

    // Override to do a bit extra when starting session recorder
    onSessionRecordingStarted() {
        this.set('recordingStarted', true);
