import Ember from 'ember';
import layout from './template';
import ExpFrameBaseComponent from '../exp-frame-base/component';
import FullScreen from '../../mixins/full-screen';
import VideoRecord from '../../mixins/video-record';
import ExpandAssets from '../../mixins/expand-assets';
import { audioAssetOptions, imageAssetOptions } from '../../mixins/expand-assets';
let {
} = Ember;
* @module exp-player
* @submodule frames-deprecated
* This frame is deprecated and will not be included in release 2.x. For new studies, use
* the frame {{#crossLink "Exp-lookit-images-audio"}}{{/crossLink}} instead.
* Frame to implement a storybook page with dialogue spoken by characters.
* First, characters appear and any main narration audio is played.
* Next, the user can click on the characters to play additional audio
* associated with each character image, or (for a choice trial) the user clicks
* one of the images to select it as an answer. Once main narration audio has
* been played and either a selection has been made (for a choice trial,
* isChoiceFrame: true) or all
* required character audio has been played (for a non-choice trial), the user
* can proceed by pressing 'next'. (A trial with only main narration audio can
* also simply auto-proceed when audio is finished.)
* Recording is optional. If webcam recording is conducted (doRecording: true)
* then audio does not start until recording does, to ensure the entire trial
* is recorded.
* The character images are specified in 'images', including an image source,
* positioning on the screen, any animation at the start of the trial, any
* associated audio, and whether that audio is required.
* This frame is displayed fullscreen; if the frame before it is not, that frame
* needs to include a manual "next" button so that there's a user interaction
* event to trigger fullscreen mode. (Browsers don't allow us to switch to FS
* without a user event.)
* The examples below show a few expected uses of this frame. In phase-2,
* two characters are shown; the protagonist is already present, and speaker1
* flies in from the left. Speaker1 has associated audio (dialogue). After
* the narrative audio, the user can click on speaker1 to play the audio, and
* will then be able to proceed.
* phase-5 is a choice trial, where the user has to click on one of the two
* images before proceeding.
"frames": {
"phase-2": {
"kind": "exp-lookit-dialogue-page",
"baseDir": "",
"audioTypes": ["mp3", "ogg"],
"backgroundImage": "order1_test1_background.png",
"doRecording": false,
"autoProceed": false,
"parentTextBlock": {
"title": "Parents!",
"text": "some instructions",
"emph": true,
"css": {
"color": "red",
"font-size": "12px"
"images": [
"id": "protagonist",
"src": "order1_test1_listener1.png",
"left": "40",
"bottom": "2",
"height": "60"
"id": "speaker1",
"text": "Click to hear what he said!",
"src": "order1_test1_speaker1.png",
"left": "20",
"bottom": "2",
"height": "60",
"animate": "flyleft",
"requireAudio": true,
"imageAudio": "polcon_example_2_2speaker1polite"
"audioSources": [
"audioId": "firstAudio",
"sources": "polcon_example_2_1intro"
"phase-5": {
"kind": "exp-lookit-dialogue-page",
"baseDir": "",
"audioTypes": ["mp3", "ogg"],
"backgroundImage": "order1_test1_background.png",
"doRecording": false,
"autoProceed": false,
"isChoiceFrame": true,
"parentTextBlock": {
"title": "Parents:",
"text": "click on the character your child selects.",
"emph": true
"images": [
"id": "speaker1",
"src": "order1_test1_speaker1.png",
"left": "20",
"bottom": "2",
"height": "60"
"id": "speaker2",
"src": "order1_test1_speaker2.png",
"left": "60",
"bottom": "2",
"height": "60"
"audioSources": [
"audioId": "firstAudio",
"sources": "polcon_example_5q1"
* ```
* @class Exp-lookit-dialogue-page
* @extends Exp-frame-base
* @uses Full-screen
* @uses Expand-assets
* @uses Video-record
* @deprecated
export default ExpFrameBaseComponent.extend(FullScreen, VideoRecord, ExpandAssets, {
type: 'exp-lookit-dialogue-page',
layout: layout,
displayFullscreen: true, // force fullscreen for all uses of this component
fullScreenElementId: 'experiment-player',
fsButtonID: 'fsButton',
// Override setting in VideoRecord mixin - only use camera if doing recording
doUseCamera: Ember.computed.alias('doRecording'),
startRecordingAutomatically: Ember.computed.alias('doRecording'),
// Track state of experiment
completedAudio: false, // for main narration audio
imageAudioPlayed: new Set(),
currentlyHighlighted: null, // id for image currently selected
currentAudioIndex: -1, // during initial sequential audio, holds an index into audioSources
assetsToExpand: {
'audio': ['audioSources/sources', 'images/imageAudio'],
'video': [],
'image': ['images/src', 'backgroundImage']
// Can the user click the 'next' button yet? Require all 'main' audio to
// have played. For a choice frame, require that one of the images is
// selected; for other frames, require that any required image-audio has
// completed.
readyToProceed: Ember.computed('completedAudio', 'imageAudioPlayed', 'currentlyHighlighted',
function() {
var okayToProceed = this.get('completedAudio');
if (this.get('isChoiceFrame') && !(this.get('currentlyHighlighted'))) {
okayToProceed = false;
} else {
var whichAudioCompleted = this.get('imageAudioPlayed');
this.get('images').forEach(function (im) {
if (im.requireAudio && !(whichAudioCompleted.has( {
okayToProceed = false;
return okayToProceed;
// Override to do a bit extra when starting recording
onRecordingStarted() {
this.set('currentAudioIndex', -1);
// Override to do a bit extra when starting session recorder
onSessionRecordingStarted() {
this.set('currentAudioIndex', -1);
frameSchemaProperties: {
* Phase number (just included as a convenience & sent to server, to make handling collected data simpler)
* @property {Number} nPhase
* @default 0
nPhase: {
type: 'number',
description: 'Phase number',
default: 0
* Trial number (just included as a convenience & sent to server, to make handling collected data simpler)
* @property {Number} nTrial
* @default 0
nTrial: {
type: 'number',
description: 'Trial number',
default: 0
* URL of background image; will be stretched to width of page
* @property {String} backgroundImage
backgroundImage: {
oneOf: imageAssetOptions,
description: 'URL of background image; will be stretched to width of page'
* Whether this is a frame where the user needs to click to
* select one of the images before proceeding
* @property {Boolean} isChoiceFrame
* @default false
isChoiceFrame: {
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Whether this is a frame where the user needs to click to select one of the images before proceeding'
* Whether to do webcam recording (will wait for webcam
* connection before starting audio if so)
* @property {Boolean} doRecording
doRecording: {
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Whether to do webcam recording (will wait for webcam connection before starting audio if so'
* Whether to proceed automatically after audio (and hide
* replay/next buttons)
* @property {Boolean} autoProceed
autoProceed: {
type: 'boolean',
description: 'Whether to proceed automatically after audio (and hide replay/next buttons)'
* Array of objects describing audio to play at the start of
* this frame. Each element describes a separate audio segment.
* @property {Object[]} audioSources
* @param {String} audioId unique string identifying this
* audio segment
* @param {Object[]} sources Array of {src: 'url', type:
* 'MIMEtype'} objects with audio sources for this segment.
* Can also give a single string 'filename', which will
* be expanded out to the appropriate array based on `baseDir`
* and `audioTypes` values; see `audioTypes`.
* @param {Object[]} highlights Array of {'range': [startT,
* endT], 'image': 'imageId'} objects, where the imageId
* values correspond to the ids given in images
audioSources: {
type: 'array',
description: 'List of objects specifying audio src and type for audio played during test trial',
default: [],
items: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
'audioId': {
type: 'string'
'sources': {
oneOf: audioAssetOptions
'highlights': {
type: 'array',
items: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
'range': {
type: 'array',
items: {
type: 'number'
'image': {
'type': 'string'
required: ['audioId', 'sources']
* Text block to display to parent. (Each field is optional)
* @property {Object} parentTextBlock
* @param {String} title title to display
* @param {String} text paragraph of text
* @param {Boolean} emph whether to bold this paragraph
* @param {Object} css object specifying any css properties
* to apply to this section, and their values - e.g.
* {'color': 'red', 'font-size': '12px'}.
parentTextBlock: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
title: {
type: 'string'
text: {
type: 'string'
emph: {
type: 'boolean'
css: {
type: 'object',
default: {}
default: []
* Array of images to display and information about their placement
* @property {Object[]} images
* @param {String} id unique ID for this image. This will be used to refer to the choice made by the user, if any.
* @param {String} src URL of image source (can be full URL, or stub to append to baseDir; see `baseDir`)
* @param {String} left distance from left of story area to image center, as percentage of story area width - as string
* @param {String} height image height, as percentage of story area height - as string
* @param {String} bottom bottom margin, as percentage of story area height - as string
* @param {String} animate animation to use at start of trial on this image, if any. If not provided, image is shown throughout trial. Options are 'fadein', 'fadeout', 'flyleft' (fly from left), and 'flyright'.
* @param {String} text text to display above image, e.g. 'Click to hear what he said!' If omitted, no text is shown.
* @param {Object[]} imageAudio sources Array of {src: 'url',
* type: 'MIMEtype'} objects with audio sources for audio to play when this image is clicked, if any. (Omit to not associate audio with this image.)
* Can also give a single string `filename`, which will
* be expanded out to the appropriate array based on `baseDir`
* and `audioTypes` values; see `audioTypes`.
* @param {Boolean} requireAudio whether to require the user to click this image and complete the audio associated before proceeding to the next trial. (Incompatible with autoProceed.)
images: {
type: 'array',
items: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
'id': {
type: 'string'
'src': {
oneOf: imageAssetOptions
'left': {
type: 'string'
'height': {
type: 'string'
'bottom': {
type: 'string'
'animate': {
type: 'string'
'text': {
type: 'string'
'imageAudio': {
oneOf: audioAssetOptions
'requireAudio': {
type: 'boolean'
required: ['id', 'src', 'left', 'height', 'bottom']
meta: {
data: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
videoId: {
type: 'string'
* Which image is selected at
* the end of the trial, or null if none is. This indicates the
* final selected choice for a choice trial.
* @attribute currentlyHighlighted
currentlyHighlighted: {
type: 'string'
* Trial number as passed to this frame
* @attribute nTrial
* @type number
nTrial: {
type: 'number'
* Phase number as passed to this frame
* @attribute nPhase
nPhase: {
type: 'number'
videoList: {
type: 'list'
// Move an image up and down until the isSpeaking class is removed.
// Yes, this could much more naturally be done by using a CSS animation property
// on isSpeaking, but despite animations getting applied properly to the element,
// I haven't been able to get that working - because of the possibility of ember-
// specific problems here, I'm going with something that *works* even if it's less
// elegent.
wiggle(imageId) {
var _this = this;
if ($('#' + imageId).hasClass('isSpeaking')) {
$('#' + imageId).animate({'margin-bottom': '.3%'}, 250, function() {
$('#' + imageId).animate({'margin-bottom': '0%'}, 250, function() {
actions: {
clickSpeaker(imageId) {
// On a choice frame, highlight this choice
if (this.get('isChoiceFrame')) {
* When one of the images is clicked during a choice frame
* @event clickSpeaker
* @param {String} imageId
this.send('setTimeEvent', 'clickSpeaker', {
imageId: imageId
$('#' + imageId).addClass('highlight');
this.set('currentlyHighlighted', imageId);
// In general, play audio associated with this image
} else {
// Only allow playing image audio once main narration finishes
if (this.get('completedAudio')) {
// pause any current audio, and set times to 0
$('audio').each(function() {
this.currentTime = 0;
// play this image's associated audio
$('#' + imageId + ' audio')[0].play();
// animate the image while audio is playing
$('#' + imageId).addClass('isSpeaking');
* When image audio is started
* @event startSpeakerAudio
* @param {String} imageId
this.send('setTimeEvent', 'startSpeakerAudio', {
imageId: imageId
endSpeakerAudio(imageId) {
$('#' + imageId).removeClass('isSpeaking');
markAudioPlayed(imageId) {
* When image audio is played (recorded even if not completed)
* @event playSpeakerAudio
* @param {String} imageId
this.send('setTimeEvent', 'playSpeakerAudio', {
imageId: imageId
replay() {
// pause any current audio, and set times to 0
$('audio').each(function() {
this.currentTime = 0;
// reset to index -1 as at start of study
this.set('currentAudioIndex', -1);
// restart audio
finish() {
var _this = this;
this.stopRecorder().then(() => {
_this.set('stoppedRecording', true);
}, () => {
playNextAudioSegment() {
this.set('currentAudioIndex', this.get('currentAudioIndex') + 1);
if (this.currentAudioIndex < this.get('audioSources').length) {
$('#' + this.get('audioSources')[this.currentAudioIndex].audioId)[0].play();
} else {
if (this.get('autoProceed')) {
} else {
* When narration audio is completed
* @event completeMainAudio
this.send('setTimeEvent', 'completeMainAudio');
this.set('completedAudio', true);
didInsertElement() {
// Make 'Enter' == next button
$(document).on('keyup.nexter', (e) => {
if (this.get('readyToProceed')) {
if (e.which === 13) { // enter/return
this.set('imageAudioPlayed', new Set()); // Otherwise persists across frames
var parentTextBlock = this.get('parentTextBlock') || {};
var css = parentTextBlock.css || {};
$('#nextbutton').prop('disabled', true);
// Any animations as images are displayed at start of this phase
this.get('images').forEach(function (im) {
if (im.animate === 'fadein') {
$('#' +;
} if (im.animate === 'fadeout') {
$('#' +;
$('#' +;
}else if (im.animate === 'flyleft') {
$('#' +;
$('#' +'left', '-20%');
$('#' +{
left: im.left + '%'
}, 1500);
} else if (im.animate === 'flyright') {
$('#' +;
$('#' +'left', '100%');
$('#' +{
left: im.left + '%'
}, 1500);
}else {
$('#' +;
// If not waiting for recording to start, just go ahead with audio now
if (!(this.get('doUseCamera') || this.get('startSessionRecording'))) {
willDestroyElement() {